OT: Cell phone Li-Ion batteries have low capacity


Flashlight Enthusiast
Dec 19, 2004
Northern Virginia
Got one of these new fancy phones with internet capabilities, touch screen and more.

Has a Li-Ion battery of 1340 mAh and 3.7V.

That thing barely lasts a day, with all the new functions the drain is far greater than with older phones. They add the features, like larger screen but the cell remains the same to keep the phone slim. I think it's a marketing thing who got the most powerful and smallest slimmest phone.

Someone needs to come up with a 3,000 mAh cell. Or use 2 present cells in parallel for increased capacity. At least. I would be happier with even more. I would use a phone with 2x18650 cells no matter the size.

Meanwhile I think I will get a spare battery for it just in case. In addition to home and car charger.
Yes, it's indeed a big problem. I often carry one of those AA "emergency charger" things, with nimh battery inside, to trickle my phone while it's in my pocket, so that it has a bigger chance of lasting to the end of the day if I know I'll be googling alot.. You can get these portable chargers in various format, including ones that have their own Li-Ion battery inside.

There are also companies like Mugen that manufacture replacement batteries AND covers, effectively doubling battery capacity, but also doubling the thickness of your phone...

One advantage of all this is that as the components become more and more efficient to even last a day in the high-tech phones, the simple phones with the same battery last weeks :)
There are also companies like Mugen that manufacture replacement batteries AND covers, effectively doubling battery capacity, but also doubling the thickness of your phone...

Interesting. I wonder if they make something for Sprint HTC TouchPro.
It's what you get when you want a rich feature set + the kitchen sink and you want it to get lost in your pocket.

Most of the time you can turn off what you don't use. If you don't use 3G turn it off. If you don't need the GPS turn it off, etc.

My N95 lasts up to a week if I don't leave bluetooth and wifi or 3G on. Otherwise it's 2 days.
I got just the basic functions I use, like emails, text msg. No GPS.

The phone turns off after 30 secs of non-use. Even with that it has poor runtime. It sorely needs something greater than 1340 mAh.
Even if it "turns off", the radio chips remain active, the CPU and RAM might be using somewhat less power, depending on how many "housekeeping" tasks the OS does, etc
I have seen an anomaly in the 'battery system'? of cell phones where they will start shutting off prematurely for some reason. The battery just doesn't seem to last as long as it did. This has happened to my wife's as well as mine and I have a Motorola while hers is an LG.

I've had some success curing the problem by doing the following.

When the phone shuts down due to running out of juice, dead, remove the battery from the phone for a few minutes, and then replace it and re-charge. See if that makes any difference in runtime.

If that didn't seem to help, next time, after a complete fresh charge, remove the battery again for a few minutes before putting it back in. See if that helps.

In both cases, make sure the phone is off before removing the battery.

This may not do anything to help yours, especially since it's new, but it did mine. Both mine and my wife's were down to about half the runtime we were used to. One or the other techniques worked for ours and I've had to do it more than once on mine. It does seem to do.. something. :shrug:
I only had the premature shutdown problem with siemens phones (3 different models, too!). It was a build quality problem, and probably one of the things that killed siemens' cellphone business in the end. Nokia's charge meter sometimes gets thoroughly confused if the phone is consuming large amounts of power for large amounts of time, while being supplied more or less sufficient power from the charger. When it happens, it starts emitting battery low warning and can continue to do that for hours. Eventually it revises its estimate though...
my iphone 3g lasts about 3 days, brightness set at half, no bluetooth, no wifi, but 3g is on. indeed the battery life sucks, and the apple-non-removeable-battery doesnt help either
I desperately need an extended battery for Sprint HTC Touch Pro.

Anyone know where I can find such a thing?

The stock is 1340 mAh. I think there is one that's 1500 mAh but really, I need something twice as big for this hungry device.
I have seen an anomaly in the 'battery system'? of cell phones where they will start shutting off prematurely for some reason. The battery just doesn't seem to last as long as it did. This has happened to my wife's as well as mine and I have a Motorola while hers is an LG.

I've had some success curing the problem by doing the following.

When the phone shuts down due to running out of juice, dead, remove the battery from the phone for a few minutes, and then replace it and re-charge. See if that makes any difference in runtime.

If that didn't seem to help, next time, after a complete fresh charge, remove the battery again for a few minutes before putting it back in. See if that helps.

In both cases, make sure the phone is off before removing the battery.

This may not do anything to help yours, especially since it's new, but it did mine. Both mine and my wife's were down to about half the runtime we were used to. One or the other techniques worked for ours and I've had to do it more than once on mine. It does seem to do.. something. :shrug:


I've had to do the same thing with my Motorola phone before. I thought maybe I was crazy to think it had helped, because it seemed to help dramatically to remove the battery. It's nice to know someone else has experienced this too.
I have to agree a bigger battery is very useful. For me its my ipod nano. I use it for video. And it won't charge if my computer is off or asleep even though I have it hooked up to a powered hub. Using the ipod classic battery would double the runtime and the thicker body would be easier to hold.

I had an old huge heavy analog phone with NiCD batteries (4 tabbed AA) that last 1 day on standby. If I turn it completely off it lasts 1 week no more.

For reference if I put a Li-Ion battery of 1340 mAh and 3.7V in any of my P7 torches it will last less than 1/2 hour.
Has a Li-Ion battery of 1340 mAh and 3.7V.

That thing barely lasts a day
Hm, interesting. Not clear what capacity it has.

I would like something integrated into the phone, as carrying two devices everywhere will be a pain.

I've had to do the same thing with my Motorola phone before. I thought maybe I was crazy to think it had helped, because it seemed to help dramatically to remove the battery. It's nice to know someone else has experienced this too.
Thanks for the confirmation. Without another comment, I had visions of everyone here thinking I was off my rocker on this one! :huh: