I've been noticing a trend in my neighborhood of motion sensor lights getting installed that trigger on ... anything ... the sensor can detect. Someone walking along the sidewalk. A vehicle driving in the street. Detritus blowing in the wind. A small animal roving around. Someone walking on the sidewalk on the other side of the street. A neighbor has a unit with a 180° sensor that triggers should I walk across my own driveway.
I suspect that once the novelty of the light going off all the time wears off in the first couple of days the homeowner ignores the light triggering much like everyone else in the neighborhood, completely negating the value of a motion light over continuous lighting. While I realize that DIY is on the decline and PIR sensors don't ship with fussy interior masking strips any more, many can be angled to limit view distance and ship with range/sensitivity adjustments. And should the 'smart' variety use the camera motion for detection, zones can be configured.
I find this oversensitivity mildly annoying since the things go off constantly at night yet there's never a reaction - even if I'm walking dogs at 1 in the morning upsetting other residents' dogs inside and outside. Sometimes when I'm feeling churlish I'll light up the house in return. I've got my doubts that anyone with cameras is bothering to either tune in or review any associated footage later.
I suspect that once the novelty of the light going off all the time wears off in the first couple of days the homeowner ignores the light triggering much like everyone else in the neighborhood, completely negating the value of a motion light over continuous lighting. While I realize that DIY is on the decline and PIR sensors don't ship with fussy interior masking strips any more, many can be angled to limit view distance and ship with range/sensitivity adjustments. And should the 'smart' variety use the camera motion for detection, zones can be configured.
I find this oversensitivity mildly annoying since the things go off constantly at night yet there's never a reaction - even if I'm walking dogs at 1 in the morning upsetting other residents' dogs inside and outside. Sometimes when I'm feeling churlish I'll light up the house in return. I've got my doubts that anyone with cameras is bothering to either tune in or review any associated footage later.