Oval / Oblong LED sub lenses and optics?


Newly Enlightened
Sep 7, 2005
Do anyone use them on bike lights?
Are sub lenses any god on 3 LED optics?
Is there any shots on an oval beam on the web?

Do anyone use them on bike lights?
Are sub lenses any god on 3 LED optics?
Is there any shots on an oval beam on the web?

50 lumen 1-watt Luxeon star in matching Fraen elliptical optics screen shot.

Off road screen shot.


On road screen shot.

Keep in mind I power it with a dynamo and need to recharge the batteries as I pedal along as well. An LED with a higher lumen rating will produce a lot more light. Here is a photo of my light.
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I used elliptical lenses on my first attempt - aligned vertically. I was blinding cyclists coming the other way. Using it for wide instead, I wasn't pleased with the throw, it seemed too much light was going off to the side. Two spot lenses give me enough spill to the side for road riding.
rideatnight what lens did you use ? The best for bike are elliptical 10*x20* (so called 15*).
That's what I used; Luxeon Fraen 10 X 20 and I found it perfect for use on my bicycle.

I found a stepper motor capable of providing 12-volts @ 1000mA with less drag than my cheap bottle dynamo. Now all I need to do is figure out how to mount and drive it from a wheel. More info here…