Overlooked NDI Look Alike - L1D Do Alike?


Flashlight Enthusiast
Jan 29, 2008
Beachwood, Ohio
I just found this NDI look alike that surprisingly has not received a lot of positive comments on the forum. It is a sleeper bargain, that has probably been overlooked because of its misunderstood interface. It is the MTE C3-70101 Cree Q5 5-Multimode light, available at Deal Extreme: http://www.dealextreme.com/details.dx/sku.10688

What impresses me most about this light is NOT the similarity in appearance to the NDI. ( It DOES NOT not have the infinitely adjustable user mode that is present on the NDI). What impresses me most is the beautiful beam this light produces. It rivals that of lights costing far more than the $26 I spent. In fact the beam is far better than that on the NDI, even better than the new TAD version I have. It has a beautiful white (slightly warm) hot spot with absolutely none of the usual cree artifacts, as it smoothly transitions into the very smooth wide spill area. The spill area is wider than on the NDI, and unlike the NDI which has a bezel outline artifact, there is none on the MTE. There are absolutely no other color artifacts or donuts either as reported especially with the original NDI. Because the Cree Q5 is perfectly centered and because there is no gap between OP reflector and the LED platform (as on the NDI), it could account for the lack of artifacts.

The modes on the light are similar to that of the L1D. Low -> Med -> High ->Strobe -> SOS. The user interface operates from a candle standable, reverse clicky like on the L1D, but that is where the similarity ends with the L1D. There is no twisty head choices with the MTE and unlike the L1D, there is a memory feature on the MTE that will retain the last used setting when the light is turned back on.

While the build quality of this light is nearly as good as the NDI and L1D, many people have commented negatively about the interface.
The problem with the interface is the lack of instructions that come with the light and the seemingly erratic operation that occurs without understanding its proper operation. The complaints are similar to those voiced by people regarding the NDI who don't fully understand its design and operation. If you understand how it works, any of the erratic behavior can be attributed to user errors in every case.

For those who have this light and have not figured out how it works, this is a summary of its operation

1. To change between any of the 5 modes, merely press the tailswitch once lightly. Once the light switches modes, it will lock into that mode after a 2 second delay. There will be a brief blink or flicker as that setting is memorized.

2. Once you are in a given mode for 2 seconds, that mode is "locked". To change modes you need to lightly press the tailswitch TWICE rapidly. The first press unlocks and clears memory, while the second press moves you to the next mode. The second press must occur within a second. If you merely press once after it is locked (to unlock), but wait too long before pressing a second time hoping to change modes, the light does nothing because it has relocked itself in the present mode.

3. To quickly cycle between all modes, you must do so by pressing the tailswitch repetively, not waiting more than 1 second between presses. Each time you press, the light will switch to the next mode as long as you don't pause 2 seconds between each press. If you do pause the 2 seconds, the light will need TWO presses to unlock that mode and move you on to the next mode. If you generally only use one mode, you don't need to cycle though all the modes each time, since the last mode used may be retained. (see 4 below). Just set it and forget it.

4. If you pause in any mode for more than 2 seconds, that mode will be retained in memory. Turn the light off and wait at least 2 seconds before CLICKING the light back on. The light will return to the level it retained before you switched it off, but if you do not wait 2 seconds after turning the light off before turning it back on, the light will skip to the next mode in the sequence. Similarly, each time you turn back on the light, you must remain in that mode for 2 seconds, otherwise the mode is NOT retained. Clicking off before staying on in that mode for 2 seconds results in loss of memory retention and a skip to the next mode in the sequence when the light is turned back on the next time.

Before I figured out all of the above, I thought there was something wrong with light. I took the tailswitch apart trying to see why it wouldn't work on single presses every time. Of course there was nothing wrong with it. The only thing wrong was me not having instructions and knowing how to work the light. In addition, I would see the flickers as the light locked itself into memory and thought there was a flicker problem with the light.

I must add that the brightless levels chosen for this light are well spaced. The lowest level, I would guess, is about 10 lumens. The highest level is probably close to 120 lumens, based on comparisons with my L1D Q5. The beam on the MTE is FAR better than that on my L1D. The beam shot on Deal Extreme is very close to what I see.

This post was not meant to be a definitive review of this light. (Otherwise, I would have posted it in the review section of this forum.) I just wanted to remind people that first impressions are not always correct. This light, in my opinion, is a sleeper. It is a great bargain for the kind of light it can produce comparable to quality beams found in lights at much higher prices. It is a sleeper because people just did NOT understand its operation and figured it had to be junk because it cost so little. If you aren't turned off by its interface (IMO easily operated once understood), give it another look. Its beautiful light output, at least, is REALLY worth looking at.
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Re: Overlooked NDI Look Alike - LD1 Do alike?

looks very nice ,but is it efficient ,can it go more than an hour on max or more likely 40 minutes or less
Re: Overlooked NDI Look Alike - LD1 Do alike?

I've had my eye on it for a while now. Would love to see a beamshot on a wall compared to a more standard beam.
Re: Overlooked NDI Look Alike - LD1 Do alike?

This light (the rebel version, not the Q5 version) was referenced in one of the NDI intro threads here on CPF. I did extensive research on it but read some negative reviews in terms of run time and build quailty. Add to the fact you have to deal with DX or KD's variable quality and possible long shipping times I passed on this one.

I'd rather spend my money towards proven lights. Kind of like saving my money from buying a Kia to using it on a Honda or Lexus.

Here are some review threads and info:

MTE C3, Rebel 100, 20 mode (Picture Heavy)

links in that thread to other discussion about it.

Nothing earth shattering imho.
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Re: Overlooked NDI Look Alike - LD1 Do alike?

This light (the rebel version, not the Q5 version) was referenced in one of the NDI intro threads here on CPF. I did extensive research on it but read some negative reviews in terms of run time and build quailty. Add to the fact you have to deal with DX or KD's variable quality and possible long shipping times I passed on this one.

I'd rather spend my money towards proven lights. Kind of like saving my money from buying a Kia to using it on a Honda or Lexus.

Here are some review threads and info:

MTE C3, Rebel 100, 20 mode (Picture Heavy)

links in that thread to other discussion about it.

Nothing earth shattering imho.

You are comparing apples to eggs. The Rebel version is an entirely differnt light. It has a different body, different emitter, different interface. The reviews and pictures of its light output show many artifcacts not found in the C3 Q5 5 mode light I am referring to. Look at the beam shots on Deal Extreme on the 20 mode REBEL. Its output does not compare to that of the C3 Q5 5 mode.
Re: Overlooked NDI Look Alike - LD1 Do alike?

You are comparing apples to eggs. The Rebel version is an entirely differnt light. It has a different body, different emitter, different interface. The reviews and pictures of its light output show many artifcacts not found in the C3 Q5 5 mode light I am referring to. Look at the beam shots on Deal Extreme on the 20 mode REBEL. Its output does not compare to that of the C3 Q5 5 mode.
I'm not talking strictly beam shot BabyDoc. I actually didn't even look at the beamshot that closely in the threads I referenced. The variable build quality more than anything was what turned me off from those lights.

Also the KD version is a strictly 5 mode, not the 20 mode like what DX sells. I'm guessing the KD version UI is what this Q5 light uses.

When evaluating purchases I don't like to play the quality lottery in terms of the light I'll get, even if it's only $20-$30. Add to this the variable (long) shipping times from DX / KD it seems they just aren't a viable option for impatient flashaholics like myself who demand consistency in both quality in the lights and service from a vendor.
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Re: Overlooked NDI Look Alike - LD1 Do alike?

i would be sold except for the 2 second blink lock thing:thinking:
Re: Overlooked NDI Look Alike - LD1 Do alike?

This light (the rebel version, not the Q5 version) was referenced in one of the NDI intro threads here on CPF. I did extensive research on it but read some negative reviews in terms of run time and build quailty. Add to the fact you have to deal with DX or KD's variable quality and possible long shipping times I passed on this one.

I'd rather spend my money towards proven lights. Kind of like saving my money from buying a Kia to using it on a Honda or Lexus.

Here are some review threads and info:

MTE C3, Rebel 100, 20 mode (Picture Heavy)

links in that thread to other discussion about it.

Nothing earth shattering imho.

I wouldn't knock it, if I haven't tried it. That is the whole point of this thread. Research it first hand, then knock it you wish. Furthermore, the "extensive research" you have done is regarding a different model . Almost every review regarding the MTE Q5 on Deal Extreme is positive. The build quality is certainly not a SureFire, but for $25, this light is going to last a lot longer and cost a lot less than a tank of gas that you are going to buy instead. Don't compare the Rebel version to the Q5 version. The Rebel version is cheaper, more cheaply made, doesn't look the same, and doesn't operate the same (although there are similarities). Remember this light came out after the Rebel version, and perhaps MTE learned something. The build quaility of this light is solid and comparable to my NDI. The finish although not reported to be HAIII is quite nice and flawless. The knirling is excellent with no sharp edges. As far as run times, I haven't any data. So far, I am still on my first Immedion after a lot of switching, strobing, trying to figure out the interface. The output appears to be well regulated. Finally, it took me only 10 days to get my light from DX.
Re: Overlooked NDI Look Alike - LD1 Do alike?

i would be sold except for the 2 second blink lock thing:thinking:

My JetBeam C-LE 1.2 and 2.0 do something like this. First time it happened I was so angry, I thought my light had some weird mode change flickering issue :crackup:.
Re: Overlooked NDI Look Alike - LD1 Do alike?

The Rebel 20 mode is interesting because it has a low-low. Don't get that with most lights.
Re: Overlooked NDI Look Alike - LD1 Do alike?

i would be sold except for the 2 second blink lock thing:thinking:

I agree with you, Jake. The 2 second blink lock took a bit of getting used to.
The Olight T-10 has a similar interface without a memory delay to set it. However, the Olight will also misfire if you click it off and on too quickly.

The NDI, also requires a delay of a second before its modes set properly; otherwise there will be seemingly erratic operation.

It seems that most lights with memories, have operating issues if not done in a precise manner. Perhaps that is why Fenix has avoided incorpating memory features into any of their models. Without memory, there are no memory complaints about their lights.
Re: Overlooked NDI Look Alike - LD1 Do alike?

I wouldn't knock it, if I haven't tried it. That is the whole point of this thread. Research it first hand, then knock it you wish. Furthermore, the "extensive research" you have done is regarding a different model . Almost every review regarding the MTE Q5 on Deal Extreme is positive. The build quality is certainly not a SureFire, but for $25, this light is going to last a lot longer and cost a lot less than a tank of gas that you are going to buy instead. Don't compare the Rebel version to the Q5 version. The Rebel version is cheaper, more cheaply made, doesn't look the same, and doesn't operate the same (although there are similarities). Remember this light came out after the Rebel version, and perhaps MTE learned something. The build quaility of this light is solid and comparable to my NDI. The finish although not reported to be HAIII is quite nice and flawless. The knirling is excellent with no sharp edges. As far as run times, I haven't any data. So far, I am still on my first Immedion after a lot of switching, strobing, trying to figure out the interface. The output appears to be well regulated. Finally, it took me only 10 days to get my light from DX.
I understand your point, but I'm not going to spend $25 to try a light unless it's well recommended by a lot of people - which means consistency in quality. I'm really glad that you like it though, that is one big positive sign.

$25 is not a lot, but there are so many interesting lights in the $20-$30 range that I could spend a lot of money trying various ones when I could have better saved that money and bought something like the NDI or L1D in the first place. Too bad though most of these interesting lights are from DX/KD, so to save myself the headache and aggravation I just save my money and bet on the sure thing most people recommend, like the NDI / L1D, Jet-I IBS, etc...

I'm curious, when did you order from DX? The jeers indicate both KD and DX seem to indicate that items are in stock when they're really not, and they string along buyers until they either finally cancel the order or the buyer gives up waiting and cancels the order.

I would be an avid buyer from DX / KD if I didn't have to worry about playing those games. If this light was say available from Lighthound or Fenix-Store I might be genuinely interested in plunking down $25 to try it out myself.

But I guess part of the reason you don't see so many complimentary reviews is because people are afraid to take the risk of long shipping and variable quality.

If there are say 20 more positive reviews of this light from long time CPFers I'd be tempted to order this light. But as of now I'm satisfied having plunked down money for the NDI, and have learned a lot from your NDI thread.

I guess in summary these threads always peak my intereste but at the end of the day I walk away disappointed because of the lack of "consistency" or assurance that I'll be able to order one and get it right away or get one with decent quality.

I hope this changes in the future where I will be able to order one quickly based upon your recommendation (which I do highly respect). :wave:
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Re: Overlooked NDI Look Alike - LD1 Do alike?

Well said .... LEDholic :grin2:
I feel that way too .........

But just didn't want to do all that typing you did .

I'm a hunt - peck , two finger guy
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Re: Overlooked NDI Look Alike - LD1 Do alike?

Well said .... LEDholic :grin2:
I feel that way too .........

But just didn't want to do all that typing you did .

I'm a hunt - peck , two finger guy
Thank you TooManyGizmos.

I really do want to thank BabyDoc for his post here.

I just wish as a flashaholic I wouldn't be so compelled to pass on these lights after spending hours researching them. It pains me more than anyone to have to bypass purchasing these lights. :candle:

I guess we really can't have it all - ultra cheap price, great quality, and speedy/reliable service.

Fortunately for not that much more we can have reliable /fast service, great quality, and decent price through some of the more well-known brand names and dealers. :twothumbs
Re: Overlooked NDI Look Alike - LD1 Do alike?

:poke: I have the 20 mode rebel , sku 8751 ..... cause I like the very low-low.

Mine has a very nice smooth-even beam with nothing to complain about.

And as you ALL know ... I'm a Veeery very picky white-wall hunter.

I can find a fault with almost anything

Makes my wife miserable
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Re: Overlooked NDI Look Alike - LD1 Do alike?

LEDHOLIC, I understand that $25 is a lot of money for some people to risk. I do understand that it is difficult to wait for any overseas shipment. It's much more fun to order and get your new toy in a couple of days rather than waiting 10. I paid with PayPal so I don't feel I am risking anything other the bother of having to make a claim should I not receive delivery. This was my first DX order. It was overall a pleasant experience. They kept me informed all along the way from accepting the order to shipping it 3 days later. I received the light only 2 days ago. I have been warned by others to only order one item at a time from DX. Almost every complaint about DX has concerned orders that got messed up when people ordered multiple items. People received one item, and didn't get the other. Or they got two of the first item, and didn't get the second. I have heard the same about other dealers in the orient. Maybe its a language problem - I really don't know.
If you have an NDI and are happy with it, stick with it. It is a great light.
I really don't know why I even bothered to try this light, other than I am a flashaholic. I didn't need another light. I suppose, too, I was curious at what you really could get for $25 by ordering from the orient direct. I was curious about the MTE interface, and whether I could figure it out, like I did with the NDI. I agree with you that having more people post their assessments make a purchase decision a lot easier. I was surprised how good the MTE is for the money and wanted to reopen the discussion. Obviously I lucked out if everyone else disagrees. Still, there is nothing like first hand experience and reporting. The more that report their experience, the better for all.
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Re: Overlooked NDI Look Alike - LD1 Do alike?

:twothumbs BabyDoc ,

I agree with your last post also .....

Except maybe that PayPal claims are not always that easy ... so I've heard.

So many 40.00 lights .... Just can't afford to try em all on a whim

Remember ..... we're not ALL BabyDoc's with a practice

Re: Overlooked NDI Look Alike - LD1 Do alike?

:twothumbs BabyDoc ,

I agree with your last post also .....

Except maybe that PayPal claims are not always that easy ... so I've heard.

So many 40.00 lights .... Just can't afford to try em all on a whim

Remember ..... we're not ALL BabyDoc's with a practice


Hey, what kind of busy practice could I have and what kind of money could I be making if I could be posting here all day long?;) As a true light addict, all my purchase decisions don't necessarily make sense. I have a TK10 that I just love to look at and hold; I love its beam too. Nevertheless, it is way too heavy for me to want to use as an EDC. Although it sits in a drawer most of the time, I bought it and don't regret it cost $73. On the other hand, the MTE Q5 for $25 is an EDC that I WILL use. Moreover, I won't cry if it gets scratched, bruised, or even lost like I would, perhaps with my beloved NDI or Novatac p120.
Re: Overlooked NDI Look Alike - LD1 Do alike?

:devil: ... Me too .... BabyDoc

Thanks for your interesting and informative posts
