P1D-CE confiscated ='(


Feb 19, 2007
Where the grass is blue, up is down, and hamburger
Well, temporarily, anyways. I was playing with it at school, and the substitute teacher took it away for the day. :rant: This was after we were done with all the work, and people were playing cards and chess in the back of the room. She gave me some line about it being a "board rule" that we're not allowed to have them. Well, nearly every teacher in the school has seen me with it at some point, and they only seem to care when it's on when we're working. :whistle: I've learned not to do that anymore. Well, she put some tape on it and wrote my name on the tape, and said that the normal teacher can decide what to do when he gets back (tomorrow). She left it at school, and didn't take it home or anything, but I'm still mad. :scowl: If anyone is more familiar with TDSB (Toronto District School Board) policies regarding flashlights than me, please speak up. At least I'll have it tomorrow... But what kind of a rule would that be? For the general public, the only reason to restrict/ban flashlights would be for the club-like mags. I mean, no other teacher ever questioned me being allowed to bring it. They said to put it away, and that was the extent of it. It's also not like I was using it while we were working, it was the last 5 minutes of class, and all work was done. Board rule... Yeah right! :ohgeez: I didn't even get the satisfaction of having her turn it on while looking into it. Oh well. I keep telling myself that I'll have it again tomorrow. Only 16 hours and 4 minutes to go... :awman:

I'm sorry if this is the wrong forum, I wasn't really sure. Has anybody else had an experience like this before?
Throughout all my years knowing the TDSB, I have never once heard of a board rule disallowing flashlights ... that's just plain ridiculous and/or stupid (unless they are referring to lights ala 6D mag or surefire E2D). Many people have keychain lights, so I don't see any real reason why it should have been confiscated (or even taken temporarily for that matter).
Substitute teachers are much more strict & unexpereinced than regular teachers.

Subs do not know the students & the normal rules so they try to enforce there own rules they feel are appropriate. Especially in Middle & High School were they often have to see more than a hundred kids a day & it can get quite frustrating.
glockboy said:
Are you Strobing at the teacher with the P1D-CE?

I'm not that stupid! :ohgeez: I was shining it at my friend who tried to take my seat. And it wasn't even on high... Honest. And I agree with the comments about subs, but in their defence, there are a ton of people who will try to take advantage of a sub the first chance they get.
Lesson learned - sometimes someone empowered will do things just because they can.
You do know you could have pointed out that in your agenda ( they still have those outlines on school code right?) that there was no where that said that lights aren't allowed :grin2:
D@rk Messenger said:
You do know you could have pointed out that in your agenda ( they still have those outlines on school code right?) that there was no where that said that lights aren't allowed :grin2:

Yes, they do have those, but something tells me she didn't care. I decided to not bother challenging her on that, and said I didn't know that rule. She looked at me as if to say "yeah right". Only 15 hours and 11 minutes...
The statement that "no other teacher ever questioned me being allowed to bring it. They said to put it away, and that was the extent of it." reminds me of one on TV the oher day.

A kid was riding his skateboard in a restricted area. A cop told him to stop, then forcibly stopped him when he did not comply immediately. He fell backwards over the planter he was riding on. They confiscated his board. This was caught on camera and so it made the news.

What made it similar was the kid's statement that all the other times he was just warned by police that he was breaking the law, but his equipment was not confiscated.

I personally have nothing against having lights at school. The point is that once the other teachers said to put it way, it should stay put away during classes. That's a concept that translates well throughout life.

Jasper (substitute teacher on The Simpsons): "Talking out of turn? That's a paddlin'. Lookin' out the window? That's a paddlin'. Staring at my sandals? That's a padddlin'. Paddling the school canoe? Oh, you better believe that's a paddlin'."
gadget_lover said:
The statement that "no other teacher ever questioned me being allowed to bring it. They said to put it away, and that was the extent of it." reminds me of one on TV the oher day.

A kid was riding his skateboard in a restricted area. A cop told him to stop, then forcibly stopped him when he did not comply immediately. He fell backwards over the planter he was riding on. They confiscated his board. This was caught on camera and so it made the news.

What made it similar was the kid's statement that all the other times he was just warned by police that he was breaking the law, but his equipment was not confiscated.

I personally have nothing against having lights at school. The point is that once the other teachers said to put it way, it should stay put away during classes. That's a concept that translates well throughout life.


I understand what you mean, but we had a bit of free time to play around after working, so I thought it would be fine then. I never bring it out in a normal situation in class. It's not like I'm disrupting the class, which I can understand being a violation of a school rule.
D@rk Messenger said:
You do know you could have pointed out that in your agenda ( they still have those outlines on school code right?) that there was no where that said that lights aren't allowed :grin2:


I would ask this sub to point it out... NO WAY IN HELL I would give it up.
Alteran said:
I understand what you mean, but we had a bit of free time to play around after working, so I thought it would be fine then. I never bring it out in a normal situation in class. It's not like I'm disrupting the class, which I can understand being a violation of a school rule.

I can see why you would think it was not a problem. I play with my lights all the time, sometimes even at work. I never turn them on when I play with them if others are around.

Hope you get the light back without problems.

That stinks...If I knew anything about flashlights way back when I was in high school Im sure at some poijt it would be taken away, lol...but you gotta admit, any toy in school thats beign played with will eventually be taken away by a grumpy athority...