P2D Q5: L2D body or CR123A-batteries+charger?


Dec 19, 2007
Recently I bought a Fenix PowerPack (P2D Q5 + L1D body + difuser). But CR123A batteries where I live are really expensive ($ 5+ each one for low capacity ones).

I have two options: Buy an L2D body or buy a CR123A charger + batteries.

1. What would be my best option?
2. If CR123A charger + batteries is my best option, which good and inexpensive one should I buy?

Juan C.
Recently I bought a Fenix PowerPack (P2D Q5 + L1D body + difuser). But CR123A batteries where I live are really expensive ($ 5+ each one for low capacity ones).

I have two options: Buy an L2D body or buy a CR123A charger + batteries.

1. What would be my best option?
2. If CR123A charger + batteries is my best option, which good and inexpensive one should I buy?

Juan C.

A couple thoughts
1) Buy CR123's online, where most CPF'ers get them for around $1 each
2) "good" and "inexpensive" rarely go together.
3) The P2D needs 3.0v RCR123's to keep the low modes.
perhaps your best option would be to buy cheaper primaries online? you can find them for around a dollar a piece from battery junction/amondotech, and for a little more than a dollar from batterystation

barring that, it depends on your intended usage. if you decide to go with the rechargable route, you will need to purchase the regulated 3v rcr123a batteries. the 'regular' li-ion batteries are 3.7v batteries, and the p2d head will not be able to go into the lower drive levels. if you generally only use high, that won't be a problem for you though. the 3v regulated batteries will generally have a lower capacity than the 3.7v cells because of the room needed for the regulator circuitry.

if this is your EDC, out of those two options, i would say the recharable route. i find the l2d form factor too large for pocket carry. if this is an emergency light, i would definitely go for the l2d because there are AA cells everywhere for cheap if you need them.

again - i prefer option c, and would recommend you look in to cheaper primary cells in bulk (get 20+ at a time).
Thank you Marduke and gnef for your replies.

In fact this won't be my EDC but a daily use flashlight at/outside home. Buying in bulk is an option for me, but to get those batteries to my country, I have to pay for S&H from store to Miami, from Miami to El Salvador + custom services + taxes. I would prefer to use rechargeables. Currently I have 40+ NiMh 2600 mAh batteries, but if using CR123A is a better option I would like to know which one to buy.

I would need to buy an L2D body or a CR123A charger + batteries.


Juan C.
With all that in mind, I'd for the the L2D body. Or, you could buy in bulk from stores with free international shipping.
I would definitely recommend the L2D body then based off your use of the light.