P3D Premium Cree vs. P3d Premium Rebel

Solar Powered Pickle

Newly Enlightened
Feb 11, 2008
What are the differences in the lumen and tint with these lights?

I hear that not all LED's are made the same so two Cree's may not have the same color tint same goes for two Rebels.

I know that the P3d premium cree is suppose to be on the blue side but does it really have a negative effect in the real world?
I compared my P3D (Cree) with my friend's P3D (Rebel). The tint of the Cree is white (with a SLIGHT blue in the tint) and the Rebel is more on the warmer side, more yellow but not that much. The color rendition is better with the Rebel.
Rebels usually have a warmer tint and the Crees usually have a whiter tint.

In the real world, your eyes will adapt to work with the light.
The rebel is going to be a more yellowish tint and is only max at 200 lumens
the premium cree q5 is going to be more white-ish slightly blue, but brighter and more lumens maxing at 215.

i generally prefer the cree q5 version
Some prefer the Cree for its slightly higher output(if you are speaking of the Q5) and the whiter tint. They are also easier to solder then the bare Rebels.
Okay .. I just got my p3d premium q5 and this thing is AWESOME!! it is freakin bright.. I was a little concerned about the cree having a blue tint although I didn't notice any tint whatsoever if anything there may be a very very very slight purple tint around the very edge of the spill and I mean a very slight purple. The rest of the the beam looks very white to me.