P3D vs stock m*g 3D....no chance


Newly Enlightened
May 7, 2007
School: Erie PA, Hometown: Ft. Lauderdale FL
So last night a friend of mine, whom I used to go to school with was having a party. There were a lot of people who I didn't know so I just hung out with my close friends. I was in the middle of a conversation with one of my friends when I noticed that some guy found a 3D m*g light and was shining it in unsuspecting peoples faces....at this point was was thinking to my self ...PLEASE!:naughty: shine that thing in my face so I can return fire with my P3D. Well sure enough he walks out on to the patio and shines it in my face....As he does this I whip out my P3d and send him everything my little fenix has. My friends were on the floor laughing (they know I have a thing for powerful flashlights and that I always have one on me). The poor guy with the m*g didn't know what hit him....he just droped that m@g and cursed:crackup:
After the incident he was dying to know what could have possibly outperformed that huge [email protected] was real interested in my colection of lights.
Man it sounds so dumb, but it made my night:twothumbs

sounds like that fellow brought a knife to a gunfight !

Thanks for sharing.

Too cool. Like....One punch, and the big mag bully runs crying.
and then

I've always got my P3D ready to draw...
Hearing these stories is always fun :popcorn:
Since I don't EDC anything more than LRI Photon's I can't have any fun like that :mecry: Besides, no one knows I have a "flashlight thing". It's Top Secret :D
I haven't yet had the pleasure of destroying some dude and his mag :p but I do occasionally get ooohs and aaahs when I whip out my little DX CREE light and illuminate a dark road or something... it gives a lot of satisfaction :)
sometimes i go walking about 6pm - 8pm, and at this time of year in england its still bright at 10PM, i cant wait for the darker times so that i can use all of my fenix range more than i do now.
My cousin seems to have this problem too. :whistle:

One night he was playing with his new 1 million candle power spotlight (6 volt) and he made the mistake of shining it at me. Little did he know I had my Mag 74 with a heavy stipple reflector with me. I gave him a face full from about 10 feet.

I think I cured him. :devil:

Somehow, pepper spray seems like the more appropriate response for that magflasher.
Ha, I once had my keyring in my hand, and another guy I just met announced "I see you have a keychain light, I bet mine's brighter!" (I had been using a coin cell light, also on my keychain) then pulled out a mag solitaire keychain, and was shining it in my face from about arms-length. I returned fire with my L0D-CE with freshly charged 10440 on the highest setting :D

I remember another incident as well, a bunch of people were over at my friend's house (I didn't know them, they were buddies of one of his roommates) and some of them were dancing. I was just about to leave, so had my car keys in-hand. One guy announced "it would be cool if we had a strobe light...", I immediately turned the L0D-CE on strobe, then watched as a bunch of guys busted up lauging that a tiny keychain light as actually a massively bright strobe light :D
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As pocket-sized lights become more and more powerful, I wonder how soon it will be before eye damage might occur from even a short blast. I'm not in the habit of "flashing" people unless they're dumb enough to flash me first... but it's probably only a matter of time before some dim bulb sues one of us because he was out-lumened.
As pocket-sized lights become more and more powerful, I wonder how soon it will be before eye damage might occur from even a short blast. I'm not in the habit of "flashing" people unless they're dumb enough to flash me first... but it's probably only a matter of time before some dim bulb sues one of us because he was out-lumened.

I think about this too. Eventually I can foresee high power LED keychain type lights becoming like laser pointers... and probably somewhere around 400 actual lumens in your face... someone will get sued for causing eye damage. As it is today, I find a Seoul driven near its max to be painful. Avoid direct exposure to LED radiation :D
the joke in this is, that comparing these two light would be a fair comparison:

both run on about 3.7 Volts and 800 mAh
Rather than flashing it in his face, I would have been more interested in how they compared with throw for distance etc. That would have been moch more inpressive to me to read about.

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