Newly Enlightened
So last night a friend of mine, whom I used to go to school with was having a party. There were a lot of people who I didn't know so I just hung out with my close friends. I was in the middle of a conversation with one of my friends when I noticed that some guy found a 3D m*g light and was shining it in unsuspecting peoples faces....at this point was was thinking to my self ...PLEASE!:naughty: shine that thing in my face so I can return fire with my P3D. Well sure enough he walks out on to the patio and shines it in my face....As he does this I whip out my P3d and send him everything my little fenix has. My friends were on the floor laughing (they know I have a thing for powerful flashlights and that I always have one on me). The poor guy with the m*g didn't know what hit him....he just droped that m@g and cursed
After the incident he was dying to know what could have possibly outperformed that huge [email protected] was real interested in my colection of lights.
Man it sounds so dumb, but it made my night:twothumbs

After the incident he was dying to know what could have possibly outperformed that huge [email protected] was real interested in my colection of lights.
Man it sounds so dumb, but it made my night:twothumbs