P60 Aspheric??


Newly Enlightened
Feb 5, 2010
With the myriad of P60 hosts and dropins, does anybody make a P60 aspheric lens? If so what are the results? Thanks.
There's a DX $2.00 lens (28mm) that seems to work fairly well. I have one on the way and I have a similar one from another light that I've played around with.

I haven't heard of a dedicated drop-in with a lens specifically designed around it.
It does look like it's probably the same. Put that in a P60 host with a XR-E R2 and it should throw pretty well.
I tried it before and its really nothing special. The P60 lens diameter is way to small to be an effective aspheric host. A LOT of emitter lumens are lost illuminating the inside walls of the bezel, and never make it OTF. I would guess OTF Lumen output is less than 50% of the emitter lumens.
Same vein, different artery.... has anyone tried Nailbenders drop-in w/ the TIR optic?

I love throw too, got the same P60 sized lens on order from DX, KD has a back order for a similar lens, just wonder if its any better than the DX version.

Looking at the Malkoff design makes me wonder if a narrow TIR optics would out-throw vs. an aspheric lens at the P60 size?

Looking at the Malkoff design makes me wonder if a narrow TIR optics would out-throw vs. an aspheric lens at the P60 size?

A narrower TIR should outthrow a wider degree one. I think the TIR used in the M60 is a 5 degree... but dont quote me on that, its been a while since I read the datasheet.




There's a DX $2.00 lens (28mm) that seems to work fairly well. I have one on the way and I have a similar one from another light that I've played around with.

I haven't heard of a dedicated drop-in with a lens specifically designed around it.

So far I have bought five of them from DX and KD, three of them were OK and
two were bad.

IIRC the two bad one were from DX.:oops:

Please tell us about if you get yours from DX.

Looks like there's not much around with such a short focal length.

In spite of its limitations I think it would be worthwhile to make an aspheric to suit the P60 format and I'd like to make one with a view to making it commercially available, if it works well enough. (I realize a TIR lens would have much higher potential but is more difficult to design and more difficult to mould. Maybe later).

To cater for the most popular drop ins I could use some help. I need some drop in measurements, whatever anyone is using.

- outside and inside diameters at the front (at the lens seat)
- right angle distance from front of drop in to tip of LED bulb
- LED bulb diameter
- and if you are still with me, best estimate of distance from front to LED emitter

Ahorton has beat you to he punch. He has made available a short focal length aspheric lens with a kit that has a pill holder that you screw your own P60 pill into. You can buy the lens by itself or buy the kit. The focal length is around 10mm.
Ahorton has beat you to he punch. He has made available a short focal length aspheric lens with a kit that has a pill holder that you screw your own P60 pill into. You can buy the lens by itself or buy the kit. The focal length is around 10mm.

Thanks PCC. Had a look a Ahorton's sales, seems he has the bases well covered! cheers.... Graham.P