P7 Bin Confusion


Newly Enlightened
Aug 18, 2008
Help me understand the P7 binning a bit better. KD has CSXOI and DSXOJ's for sale. I understand the first digit represents the brightness; D being brighter than C, SXO denotes the color, and the last digit I/J denotes the forward voltage. My question is, which is more important and when C/D or I/J.

It seems like with the emphasis on brightness, the D-bin is better, but most of this forum seems to be based on C-bins? What does the FV mean practically.

Which should I use?

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Vf means forward voltage. The lower it is, the less power the LED uses at that current.

I think C bins just have been around longer then the D bin so it is more familiar.

The I has a lower Vf then the J, but the DSXOJ has a higher overall output then the CSXOI.
I think it really depends on your use.
For example a CSXOI may be brighter due to low Vf when direct driven off a single LI Ion cell but if you are running 2 Li Ion cells then the DSXOJ will be brighter do to its D bin.

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