P7 C bin vs D bin


Flashlight Enthusiast
Nov 29, 2007
New Zealand
To those that have tried both is there much of a difference in visible out put?

Is the Kai Domain D bin P7 really a D bin?
I noticed that the D bin leds from Kai have higher vf than the C bin. hab a hard time deciding which to take but finaly ordered D bin.
I have used both C-bin and D-bin P7s and have ordered all from Photonfanatic. I have seen a small increase in brightness, and my last DSXOJ had a forward voltage of 3,5V. Thats just at the top of the DSXOI-bin... Generally speaking I have seen a lower forward voltage on all LEDs from Photonfanatic than on the ones from the HongKong-dealers.
I also had the oportunity to try a CSWOI and a DSXOJ from photonfanatic on the same type of host and the "D" does seem to be brighter than the C.

Also the XO tint has less of the brownish yellowish corona that the WO tint had
