P7 on 3x14500 Parallel?


Newly Enlightened
Oct 18, 2008
Abingdon, VA
Just curious, I saw the ultra short sub 1xd sized m*g p7 that someone (sorry, can't remember who) built. Had a tail switch and was wicked short.

I was wondering if 3x14500 cells running parallel, DD to a P7 would handle the draw, or if they would be overkill and bake it. I would think this, with the tailcap and cut body would be even shorter, and therefore in my world, better.

If anyone can help me out. I am looking for an ultra-short P7, at least an hour run time, with max output, 2.8a+. I have built a 2x32650 P7 running at 2.8 with a driver in a mag setup, and loved the output. Now I just want to go shorter. I should be able to get the host made, and the tailswitch should be within my abilities.

The other option is a single C cell with AW's Li cell running DD to the P7. That is my fallback option.

Thanks ahead of time for any input!