Parallel Universes Exist

You do understand that an article proposing the concept that a parallel universe exists for each possibility, has to deal with the possibility that we're in a universe in which the article is nothing more than hot air, don't you? :p

The article didn't really offer a lot in the way of reference, theory, nor any of the mathematics it claims exists. Maybe there will be more information forthcoming from the experts at Oxford. And then, maybe we're just in the possibility parallel that will have to accept it simply because it's so fascinating. :shrug:
LOL! Well I respect your parallel universe propositional theory, but I'm committed to mine! I hope this is one of those questions that gets answered when you die.
You do understand that an article proposing the concept that a parallel universe exists for each possibility, has to deal with the possibility that we're in a universe in which the article is nothing more than hot air, don't you? :p

The article didn't really offer a lot in the way of reference, theory, nor any of the mathematics it claims exists. Maybe there will be more information forthcoming from the experts at Oxford. And then, maybe we're just in the possibility parallel that will have to accept it simply because it's so fascinating. :shrug:

Not true. Even if there are an infinite number of universes that does not necessarily mean every single possibility exists. At some level there would still be the physical laws of the multiverse all the universes are floating in.
Not true. Even if there are an infinite number of universes that does not necessarily mean every single possibility exists. At some level there would still be the physical laws of the multiverse all the universes are floating in.
There is no reason why there should not be an infinite number of multiverses too, with an infinite number of different sets of physical laws for them...

My brain hurts, just thinking about it, lol.

However one thing I am sure about: it is very very unlikely indeed that there exists a universe where LuxLuthor prefers LEDs to incans.
There is no reason why there should not be an infinite number of multiverses too, with an infinite number of different sets of physical laws for them...

My brain hurts, just thinking about it, lol.

However one thing I am sure about: it is very very unlikely indeed that there exists a universe where LuxLuthor prefers LEDs to incans.

Eh, MAYBE. But there's really nothing in current theories that I'm aware of to allow for that. All the parallel universes reside within one giant (or tiny, depending on your perspective) multiverse. It consists of an 11 dimensional hyperspace-time. All the other universes are made up of varying combinations of these dimensions. Because some of these other universes may not have the same dimensions ours does, they may have different physical laws. For instance, they may not have the physical structure to allow for matter (as we know it) to exist.
Point 1 what difference does it make to use if there is a second parallel universe to ours or even more? We can't even get out of our own solar system yet. Let alone a single galaxy or the entire universe.
But to kno that one exists would be quite interesting no? This is one of those things I would love to know by the time (or after) Im dead.
I doubt anyone will be proving it one way or another for a long time, if ever. Kinda like proving there is, or isn't a God. With that said, I believe there are multiple Universes, infinite in number, but not exhaustive.

Who knows, we might actually live forever. Every time we die we're split off into another Universe, while our grieving family stays behind. We would never know we died, because an identical family is waiting for us in our new Universe.
Depends on what specific characterization makes that universe different from this one?
Ahh, "multiverse" vs. the Copenhagen Interpretation of quantum mechanics, a very interesting and dazzling subject - both intuitively absurd. The Copenhagen Interpretation somehow seems to require conscious "measurement" before the cloud of things the could happen collapses into what actually happened. On the other hand, the multiverse model (each time a thing could go either way, the universe splits and plays out both possibilities in two different universes) raises the question about why I consciously feel like I'm only i one particular universe - what about the other me's, what is consciousness exactly? Makes your head spin, the more you think about it... so I'm off for some beers :)

Note: Very interesting subject, let's hope this thread doesn't get thrashed by improper subjects.
There seems to be a lot less to this than the press report suggests.

The "proof" that multiple universes exist appears to actually be a mathematical demonstration that the many-worlds interpretation (MWI) of quantum mechanics can explain, in a straightforward way, some of the ad hoc assumptions in traditional quantum interpretations (the artificial "wavefunction collapse," important but ill-defined "measurement," etc.). Note that some physicists advocate MWI but don't necessarily think that separate universes actually exist. Rather, they see this interpretation as a mathematical understanding of quantum probability that does not require privileging any physical interactions as "observations" or "measurements."

I still have not found any mention of where this new research has been published, or will be published. David Deutsch, who is a vocal advocate not only of MWI but also of actual alternate universes, may be engaging in science by press conference. This doesn't mean that his ideas are wrong, but it mean that--so far--the hype-to-substance ratio of this story is very high.
I'm not up on my science, but i tend to look at the very small to help explain the very big. Could it be that our universe is like a single cell forever copying itself?
If your other self ever tells him to do the windows it might put some ideas in his head.

Good one. Maybe, I should have said that it in the first place!:

In some far off parallel universe, I'm the richest man in the world and Bill Gates washes my windows.

"Good job, Bill. Don't forget the upstairs vista."