What happened to the big Peak Solutions light sale over on marketplace? My bookmark to it no longer works and I have not gotten a reply to my Email. Was this sale too good to be true or what? If it has been moved please redirect me.:shrug:
I am well aware that is was not from Peak itself. That is why the prices were as low as they were.
According to the Email I got from the seller this afternoon he is NOT a dealer. I have noticed a tendency to jump first and figure out the facts later on CP forums. I think the seller should have been contacted before the thread was closed without a explanation. Its not fair to any of us. I staid up an extra hour last night figuring out what to buy....deciding on a late fathers day gift.....and wove an nice expanation for the wife as to why I need even more lights.
I hope the seller can hash this out and get the sale going again. It was quite clear in the orginal post that quantities were limited to what was described. This was not supposed to be an on going store or something.