

Aug 9, 2015
Dust in the Wind
I like to buy a pound of raw local grown peanuts in shell and place them on a big ole cooking sheet, toss them in the over at 350 degrees for 30 minutes, turn off oven at 30 and let them stay in the oven 5 more minutes, pull them out and place them in a gallon ziplock and close it up then let them cool over night.

Many in the batch will take on a slightly over done flavor. This recipe is very popular at my work and according to some reports that extra few minutes causes multplication of some heart healthy chemicals.

So, how do you like to prepare peanuts?
I prepare peanuts for eating by pouring them out of the bottle into the palm of my hand.

We did get a large bag of unshelled peanuts a few weeks ago, and they'll probably stay uneaten. I'm already wanting to toss them. Perhaps roasting them like you mentioned, will give them a proper use. :)
I toss them with other nuts and pretzels and smoked spicy paprika and brown sugar to make a spiced nut mix that puts chex mix to shame. The only problem is you can't stop eating it and it makes you drink multiple margaritas so I try and save it for holidays and football games. If anyone wants actual recipe, I'll post it.
One day I was listening to my radio like any other day and the host had a doctor on who was touting the great benefits roasted peanuts have for the heart. Some kind of flavenoid or something that when roasted multiplies by like 10x but if you over roasted them slightly it multiplied the good stuff dramatically more.

Now he said roasted at something like 339 degrees for something like 29 minutes or something was found to be a great way provided the nuts are spread out on a cookie sheet none touching each other. I don't know about all that. But I do know that over roasting them a little makes them way more delicious.

Back around 2009 I had chronic heartburn. For whatever reason I started eating about a dozen in the shell of my slightly over roasted peanuts at around 10am and the heartburn was gone. Like from day 1. My mentor (at the time) started eating peanuts from the shell cooked at 350 for 30 minutes so I stuck to that formula. You could always tell where he had been on the road work project by the empty shells he left every where.

Anyway, like anything too much is a bad thing. But when my doc started mentioning type 2 diabetes a couple years back I incorparated a few nuts each day to my diet. Walnuts, almonds, sunflower pecans and peanuts rotated at random. If they go stale I just toss them in the yard for the birds to eat and the shells are used in flower beds. Now I do buy sunflower seeds already shelled.
I toss them with other nuts and pretzels and smoked spicy paprika and brown sugar to make a spiced nut mix that puts chex mix to shame. The only problem is you can't stop eating it and it makes you drink multiple margaritas so I try and save it for holidays and football games. If anyone wants actual recipe, I'll post it.

I'd like the recipe, please.
I'd like the recipe, please.
Spiced Nut Mix
350 oven on roasting pan or cookie sheet
recipe can be doubled, tripled, etc

2 cups mixed raw nuts- peanuts, pecans, almonds, and cashews are best. Walnuts don't work
1 tablespoon butter(don't replace with oil etc)
3 tablespoon brown sugar
2 tablespoons maple syrup
1/2 teaspoon cinnamon
2+ tablespoon smoked paprika(I prefer hot variety)
1/2+ teaspoon cocoa powder
1 1/2 teaspoon sea salt or to taste
2 cups pretzels
Toast nuts 10 min in oven
In large bowl, mix butter, syrup, sugar, cocoa, cinnamon, and paprika.
Add warm nuts to bowl and mix thoroughly. Add salt(or half now and half when out of oven)and pretzels and spread onto pan.
Bake 15+ minutes, stirring half way through and bake til glazed and brown.
Cool completely and break into chunks. Keeps for one week.

If you want it more like brittle you may wish to increase butter and sugar, but it may stick to some pans. I also tend to add more spice than recipe but to each his own. Enjoy with beverage of choice!

Didn't know this thread existed.
I eat alot of nuts, mixed/dry roasted/in-shell///whatever

Always have a big bag of roasted in-shell peanuts,,
since I finished my black bean soup for a late lunch, probably have roasted in-shell peanuts for dinner, actually serious
My buddy just bought a bushel. He boiled em up expertly and dropped off a couple pounds. Just enough salt. Warm them up in the microwave. Perfect!
My father loved nuts of all kinds, I did too. One year, we planted several rows of peanuts. OMG, what a lot of work for peanuts. I don't think we did it more than one year. IIRC, the bulk of them went stale because we just didn't eat them enough. I just buy a can of mixed nuts every now and then if I want peanuts. Normally I get a can or pouch of Blue Diamond Almonds and a can of cashews. Love English Walnuts, and sunflower kernals, too. Earlier this year I bought a bag of sunflower seeds in the shell--now that was a mistake! What was I thinking? Oh well, I might get them gone by Christmas! I used to eat Black Walnut ice cream, but I can't do that anymore, too many pounds now. Need to offload some excess ballast. I might give bykfixer's roasting process a try, though, sounds simple enough even Ima SOL MAN could do it. :crackup:
My father loved nuts of all kinds, I did too. One year, we planted several rows of peanuts. OMG, what a lot of work for peanuts. I don't think we did it more than one year. IIRC, the bulk of them went stale because we just didn't eat them enough. I just buy a can of mixed nuts every now and then if I want peanuts. Normally I get a can or pouch of Blue Diamond Almonds and a can of cashews. Love English Walnuts, and sunflower kernals, too. Earlier this year I bought a bag of sunflower seeds in the shell--now that was a mistake! What was I thinking? Oh well, I might get them gone by Christmas! I used to eat Black Walnut ice cream, but I can't do that anymore, too many pounds now. Need to offload some excess ballast. I might give bykfixer's roasting process a try, though, sounds simple enough even Ima SOL MAN could do it. :crackup:
I grew peanuts a couple of years back, it was fun. Short little plants above ground, maybe a foot or so tall, with a tiny yellow flower for pollination at top and bottom of each plant. Couldn't believe how many peanuts one raised bed produced!

Apparently raw peanuts, when first taken out of the ground, are somewhat toxic, and have to hang in the air and dry out for a few days before preparing. I boiled some of them in a brine solution like they do in the South, and the rest I roasted, while keeping some raw for next year's seeds.

Speaking of the South, it used to be (and may still be in some parts) that their "national snack" was one of those small bags of Planter's salted peanuts dumped into a bottle of RC cola. Now, you might wonder why, like I did, just how that tradition got started. I was informed that folks coming into town from the surrounding farms for whatever reason were likely to have been working with tractor grease, manure or worse, and their hands weren't exactly what you would call spotless. It was easy to buy a bottle of RC, open it on a bottle opener, buy a bag of peanuts and rip it open with your teeth and pour them into the cola… this way, your hands didn't touch anything you were ingesting. I've tried the combination and it's actually pretty good.
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I grew peanuts a couple of years back, it was fun. Short little plants above ground, maybe a foot or so tall, with a tiny yellow flower for pollination at top and bottom of each plant. Couldn't believe how many peanuts one raised bed produced!

Apparently raw peanuts, when first taken out of the ground, are somewhat toxic, and have to hang in the air and dry out for a few days before preparing. I boiled some of them in a brine solution like they do in the South, and the rest I roasted, while keeping some raw for next year's seeds.

Speaking of the South, it used to be (and may still be in some parts) that their "national snack" was one of those small bags of Planter's salted peanuts dumped into a bottle of RC cola. Now, you might wonder why, like I did, just how that tradition got started. I was informed that folks coming into town from the surrounding farms for whatever reason were likely to have been working with tractor grease, manure or worse, and their hands weren't exactly what you would call spotless. It was easy to buy a bottle of RC, open it on a bottle opener, buy a bag of peanuts and rip it open with your teeth and pour them into the cola… this way, your hands didn't touch anything you were ingesting. I've tried the combination a it's actually pretty good.
Wow, memories! Years ago, late '70s/early 80's, I had a female coworker from the Carolinas that did that! Really seemed odd to me, but she explained that was what they did where she came from. She had a very strong southern accent. But I think she used Pepsi, as I don't think our break room pop machine had RC in it. She probably would have used RC if she could have gotten it out of the machine, though. I never did try it. Probably never will, unless I end up in the South some day.
Speaking of the South, it used to be (and may still be in some parts) that their "national snack" was one of those small bags of Planter's salted peanuts dumped into a bottle of RC cola. Now, you might wonder why, like I did, just how that tradition got started. I was informed that folks coming into town from the surrounding farms for whatever reason were likely to have been working with tractor grease, manure or worse, and their hands weren't exactly what you would call spotless. It was easy to buy a bottle of RC, open it on a bottle opener, buy a bag of peanuts and rip it open with your teeth and pour them into the cola… this way, your hands didn't touch anything you were ingesting. I've tried the combination a it's actually pretty good.
So how exactly does that work?? Do you try and "drink" the peanuts like it was ice? Do you drink the soda first and then eat the peanuts last?
We (the Yanks) eat 'em dry roasted lightly salted out here. They come in a plastic jar called Planter's..

Ol' Jimmy owns a peanut farm. Eating peanuts is probably what's keeping him and wife Rosalynn alive. He has the honor of being labeled the oldest living (and longest lived) President in history of United States 🇺🇲
So how exactly does that work?? Do you try and "drink" the peanuts like it was ice? Do you drink the soda first and then eat the peanuts last?
My coworker would take a snack size plastic bag of Planter's and pour them into a 16 oz bottle of cola. Then whenever she took a swig, she would get some peanuts in her mouth with the cola. Chew, swallow. Repeat.
We (the Yanks) eat 'em dry roasted lightly salted out here. They come in a plastic jar called Planter's..

Ol' Jimmy owns a peanut farm. Eating peanuts is probably what's keeping him and wife Rosalynn alive. He has the honor of being labeled the oldest living (and longest lived) President in history of United States 🇺🇲
He reportedly likes peanut butter ice cream.
Wow, memories! Years ago, late '70s/early 80's, I had a female coworker from the Carolinas that did that! Really seemed odd to me, but she explained that was what they did where she came from. She had a very strong southern accent. But I think she used Pepsi, as I don't think our break room pop machine had RC in it. She probably would have used RC if she could have gotten it out of the machine, though. I never did try it. Probably never will, unless I end up in the South some day.
Try it sometime, if you ever get hold of a bottle of RC; it's pretty darn good, especially on a hot day! Any cola will probably work, but it has to be those oily, salty Planters peanuts for sure.
On sale this week at Raleys/Belair Planters Dry Roasted $1.97 a jar.. Laura Scudder Chunky peanut butter $3.50 jar...
Can you smell the aroma of baking peanut butter cookies 🐒