Sometimes in researching things you stumble upon some pretty cool lights. Today I found a Pelican M9 bulb but it didn't seem quite right as in it did not seem appropriate for the M9 light I was thinking about which is a 3xCR123 light that I have yet to acquire.
Anyways I find these surplus sets of Pelican lights used by elite Dutch police with all the bits and bobs. I know some people here care about police lights so I thought I would share this neat peace of history.
All you need to know is: Peli = Pelican & zaklamp = flashlight.
Anyways I find these surplus sets of Pelican lights used by elite Dutch police with all the bits and bobs. I know some people here care about police lights so I thought I would share this neat peace of history.

KMAR Koninklijke Marechaussee BSB voertuig handlamp Stinger Peli Black Knight M9 Rechargeable in kist - complete set - origineel
Dit is een originele complete set met Stinger Peli M9 handlamp. De set is gebruikt, maar in een goede staat.Knight M-9 Flashlight is a member of Pelican®’s Knight Series, an innovative range of hi-tech rechargeable flashlights for use by professionals.
All you need to know is: Peli = Pelican & zaklamp = flashlight.