I recently ordered the last two 2-Pks of what were supposed to be Pelican #3853 bulb sets (from a website I had not dealt with before). That's what the description said, anyway. What I received were two bulb sets of Pelican #3804. Today I sent my third email asking for a refund/RMA#, and I still haven't heard from them. I am still hoping for the best, but just in case I have to prepare for the worst, I am trying to consider how to make lemonade here. The 3804 set has been listed, I think, at 9v-9.9v. Considering that the original ROP mod overdrives the 3853/3854 bulbs from 6v to 7.4v, I was wondering if anyone had ever driven these 3804 bulbs to 11.1v. If you have ever tried this, I would appreciate your sharing the results. Thanks!