Pelican 7060 vs Streamlight Stinger LED?


Newly Enlightened
Aug 23, 2001
The police department I work for is testing these lights. Which do you think would make a better belt light for a patrolman? Pros and cons of each?
I think SL missed the boat with the Stinger-LED. It's a BIG light (larger than a regular and XT Stinger), I think too big for belt carry.

Output is average 3watt LED.

The 7060 has better output, and is smaller. The big current drawback is the lack of data on Cree longevity and the lack of currently available carry options.
I have tried the Streamlight LED, it isn't bright enough in comparison to the newer Cree LED's. I find the Surefire 6P with a Cree LED dropin quite bright in comparison. I think the Pelican 7060 might be better, but I haven't seen one or used one.

I have to go with the Pelican 7060 since the Stinger LED seems to be streamlights some what poor attempt at catching up with other companies who were making higher output rechargeable lights. At the same size or slightly smaller you can get a Surefire L7 which puts out a lot more light that the Stinger LED. How ever, the stinger LED does have adjustable output values (high, medium, low ,strobe) but that is just an extra feature and in the long run it might be more advantageous to have a variable output but, for the time being , the Pelican is the better choice
I take back my initial post. My 7060 arrived, and it's as big as the Stinger LED....Maybe a little bigger in the head, and heavier...


Is the 7060's beam bright enough that you would consider it as a replacement to the Stinger LED? Or will the Stinger's smoother beam help it get more use on a daily/weekly basis?
Is the 7060's beam bright enough that you would consider it as a replacement to the Stinger LED? Or will the Stinger's smoother beam help it get more use on a daily/weekly basis?

I also have the Stinger LED and after giving the 7060 a charge until the indicator turned green, I compared the beam of both and the 7060 is brighter than the Stinger LED. I'll still keep the Stinger as a backup.
guam9092, thanks!
I look forward to hearing how you liked it, after using it tonight.
The 7060 is a lot brighter than the S-LED.

Neither one, IMO, is good for belt carry. Too big...

A smaller Strion LED version with a Q5 cree would be appealing. I'm still suprised that SL went a tad bigger with the stinger LED. Seems alot of fellow LEOs' are switching to the Strion because of the smaller size.

I have 2 stinger LEDs which I have modded with an SSC and a KLC8 for improved brightness. A plus is that the stinger LEDs can charge in the same charger as the old incan stinger and most accessories work with the exception of holders/sheaths. Haven't had a chance to check out a Pelican 7060 tho.
What next? Perhaps a Cree LED light that will fit in the Streamlight Strion charger?

(Just kidding!)
I don't know if they've got any new offerings and how they are, but all of the previous luxeon based SL lights are stinkers!
You guys got me. I wasn't thinking of those. I was thinking of the Xenon lights that were also made in LED, like the Stinger and the TL-3. (especially, the TL-3)
You guys got me. I wasn't thinking of those. I was thinking of the Xenon lights that were also made in LED, like the Stinger and the TL-3. (especially, the TL-3)

I would have been soooo happy to see a cree/rebel Tl-3. The 5 watt badly tinted and driven led SL choose to put in it was (is) a real waste of potential.
You guys got me. I wasn't thinking of those. I was thinking of the Xenon lights that were also made in LED, like the Stinger and the TL-3. (especially, the TL-3)

It's a shame that streamlight's tactical line of flashlights still use the old Luxeon I and Luxeon V emitters, and only recently have they "stepped up" to the Luxeon III with the Stinger LED, the Task Light 2L, and some weapon mounted lights.

They really aught to get around to swapping out those old emitter's with something new, like the Seoul P4.
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Anyone have ant photo's of the 7060 and the Stinger side by side ?

I have a 7060 on order. It sounds like a nice bright LED light.

I was under the impression it had a strobe function but based on the various reports here it has never been mentioned so I'm guessing no strobe.
I ended up getting the Stinger LED.

Some of the reasons I chose it over the Pelican:

No uniform shops here had the Pelican.

I already had some Stinger fast chargers that I can use with this light.

Authorized Streamlight repair center in town.

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