Pelican case opinion

Have no experience about the 1080, but I have been using the 1200 for my Boxer 24W and a digital camera, very tough box and looks like it can withstand alot of abuse, wouldn't hesitate to purchase a few more in the future :sold:
I have the 1450 for my Helios and really like it super tough case.
I bought mine from here saved some green
had the best price I could find.
I really like the Pelican hard laptop cases to store flashlights. I have the 1470 and 1495. The laptop cases are not too deep and have a lot of surface area for the size of the case. The cases are rugged, and protect the flashlights extremely well.

I do not have the 1080. I would be a little concerned about the 1.7" depth for CR123 lights, but for AA lights it seems like it would be sufficient. Consider tracing the width and length of the case on a piece of paper, and then placing your flashlights in the area to make sure it is large enough. If you will be collecting more lights, I suggest you get a case with room to grow.

When you cut out the foam for the flashlights, I suggest you do it in such a way the the lights are fairly close together but with enough foam between the lights to protect them. The replacement foam for the 1080 is pretty expensive as a percentage of the cost of the case, so take care in doing the cut outs.

If you get the 1080 case, let us know how it works out.
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