Peter - A future ARC idea....

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Apr 8, 2002
Originally posted by regulator on 7-22-07 HERE.

Hi Peter,

This is my first posting in the Arc forum. I have been a fan of Arc since it was first established and have one of the first versions of AAA Arcs (so it tells how long I have been an LED fan).

I know that the new LS is almost done and there will not be any changes but I thought I might interject a comment maybe for future consideration. I think the decision has been made to go with a CR123 cell for the circuit efficiency at the higher single cell 3 volts. But, I personally prefer a slimmer light in the AA or smaller offerings (hope the new LS is smaller than the N*v*t*c offering). So, what about a AA rechargable lithium version that is designed specifically to take advantage of this cell? It would something nobody else has done (with a high-end efficient converter designed specifically for this task). The circuit could be the same as already designed and have the slimmer body for better pocket carry and the more efficient 3+ volt circuit. You could also provide a "package" deal with cells if someone is not familiar with them.

Just a thought - I know the 3.6 AA cell is not "common" but it has recently become available and is considerably cheap. Maybe a regular AA cell would still allow the light to operate but with lower performance.
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mossyoak07-22-2007 06:47 PM
Re: Peter - A future ARC idea....

i like that idea.

THE_dAY07-22-2007 07:23 PMRe: Peter - A future ARC idea....

the new LS will be smaller than the Novatacs.

Peter had stated that the new LS would be slimmer and shorter than the Arc4, and the Novatacs are bigger than the Arc4..

paulr07-22-2007 07:39 PMRe: Peter - A future ARC idea....

I never understood this interest in the 14500 cell, a dangerous device if you accidentally stick it into a device like a digicam that expects a 1.5 volt AA cell. There is some sense to designing an AA light that can also accept the higher voltage, but designing something to require a 14500 seems silly unless there's specific constraints that justify it.

I agree with the support for an AA powered light (or even 2AAA) but I've already said that several times. Surefire imprinted flashlight users with an association between the 123 cell and high quality flashlights with the SF 6P in the 1980's(?), before AA NiMH cells and boost converters were any good. But today, an AA NiMH cell can produce just as much power as a 123, and an AA alkaline can substitute for the NiMH in a pinch. And 3 watt 1AA boost converters can and have been made. It's especially feasible if you don't have the size constraint of the old BB400 form factor (to make a drop-in replacement for a Minimag bulb and reflector). So even for powerful lights that want special batteries, AA NiMH makes more sense than 123. I wish the high end light makers would understand this.

regulator07-22-2007 07:47 PMRe: Peter - A future ARC idea....

That is good news and I am waiting patiently for pictures. I think I have all my bases covered with LED lights but have one spot left for the new Arc (at least until something else catches my eye).

I think what I am now looking for is a relatively "small" premiem light that I can keep with me at all times and provides both a "decent" amount of light and a "decent" runtime. I know that the battery technology is a big determining factor in the equation and the AA and CR123 cells are about as large as a pocket light can accomodate. The Cr123 cell used to have an advantage with the higher voltage, but now there are AA rechargable lithium cells that offer a slimmer profile for better pocket carry.

I have just finished a camping trip and have made several conclusions on what a perfect "pocket" light must be (I took several lights with me). It should have a low setting for walking and a higher setting that allows the brightness of at least what an old 2D light provided but with a good runtime of at least 4-5 hours. A high/MAX setting is icing on the cake. (a Fenix P3d provided this). While the P3D was pocketable and a great camping light, it is not something I would carry EDC in my pocket. It also has some flickering issues due to the loose head - it did not provide confidence. I think the P3d is a awsome light and would consider it a great camping light due to the brightness, runtime efficiency, and size. But I would not consider it an EDC or a premiem light. I am hoping the new Arc will be this.

regulator07-22-2007 08:03 PMRe: Peter - A future ARC idea....

Hey Paulr,

I agree if the converter using a 1.2-1.7 volt converter/regulator can come close to the efficiency of one using 3-4.2 volts cells, one should just design it for the more common NiMh or AA cells. For EDC, the slimmer profile makes a BIG difference.

Even the other manufacturer offerings of AA lights are much larger than what needs to be. I own a P*&k AA light that is one of the most compact AA light available and is just about the largest pocket lights I like to carry EDC. Unfortunatley it is a one birghtness light.

I would even give up versitality on what battery Brand could be used if an AA tube was designed for ultimate slimness.

Anyways - I am really glad to hear the new Arc LS is being designed to be a compact light.

bombelman07-22-2007 11:59 PMRe: Peter - A future ARC idea....

From what I've seen till now, the 14500, the AA-equiv. Li-Ion Rechargeable has the same capacity as teh RCR123.

The 14500 is just a bit slimmer in size, but 14mm longer....
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