petition, request from (a) Arc fan(s)


Flashlight Enthusiast
Aug 9, 2004
down the road from Pleasure Point.
Dear Peter:

As the owner of almost a dozen AAAs, I would like to ask you for consideration to make a AA GS LED light with or without reduced current? AAAs are great but we can't beat AAs for runtime.

Please make Arc AAs soon



(if anyone else feel the same way please voice your interest here)
Peter --

Kindly listen to our pleas.

The world wants (and NEEDS) an ARC in AA size.

Thank you for listening.

Please! AA or AAA in low output form. The GS is getting too bright for the light's original intentions.
"As soon as radioactive monkeys fly out of my toilet."

Please leave the lid up!! :eek:
I really don't understand how ARC works. They know for a fact that there is a market for the ARC AA, yet they continue to hold off on making some.

Is the Nichia GS readily available? A GS ARC AA running at 5 lumens would have excellent runtime, and this site would go wild over it.