Petromax kerosene lantern from BriteLyt?

Well I am happy to see this thread alive again. I have two Britelyte 150cp. One in shiny nickel, one now in dull brass.

After reading about the problems of fuel, ohh nooo I think I had forgot to empty one before putting away. The nickel lantern had fuel in it emptied rinsed refuel and relight, start up was cranky but both are running right now. When I frist got them I used'em a lot in the back yard.

One was a table light with kerosine, one citrenola oil they worked great. I ran one empty an the second one is still lite. For the all brass one, one thing I did was to have the underside of the reflector nickel plated. I also have the frosted glass chimney. It stands on a brass pedistal (upturned plant stand) on the back yard lexan top table. It casts very nice soft light for eating around.

I see there is a stainless steel nozzle which I need to get AND I forgot how fragile the mantles are. I broke two tonight.

I bought mine ~10 years ago.

=D~~ Kilted
well im glad i saw this thread. i started to read about this latern on the web. and was thinking 500 watt output and the same fuel consumption. i was so mad i bought a coleman.still impressed with the output though but i guess ill read more about it
i have the 2 mantle Coleman that uses propane .and the dual fuel dual mantle that uses Coleman or unleaded.Coleman is good but not 500 cp
Right on Diesel Bomber! I have probably the only European lantern that's safe to burn gasoline. That's an Optimus 1200B "B for BENZINE. It has a cone shaped brass valve disc that seals to a brass seat. A "cam follower" connected to an upper rod to actuate the pricker that cleans the nipple.

If there was one Coleman lantern to buy that would cover all the bases. It would be the 237. That lantern will burn kerosene as well as Coleman fuel. It just has to be preheated with alcohol before lighting. Fill the preheater cup, light it, when it's just about burned out, open the valve. They burn with much longer generator life with "Amish Blend". That's a 75/25 mix of K-1 kerosene/Coleman fuel. 500 CP will blind you!! A great emergency heat source as well.
Well, I'm looking for a bigger lantern than what I have and have been looking at the Britelyt's for a while now. After much debate and reading I understand that the Britelyt/Petromax should NOT be used with anything other than K-1, so I understand that point and won't be using the Britelyt with anything other than K-1.

With that being said, which would be the better choice. The Britelyt CP150 with a 20 hour burn time on a pint or the Coleman Northstar dual fuel, which only gets 14 hours on low on 2 pints. The CP550 would be nice but is way to big for my needs.

I don't have a problem using the intended fuels for either lantern; I prefer white gas for camp stoves anyway which would be a plus for the Northstar, but I don't mind carrying along a little K-1 either. I did read a post by someone that said they had to pump up the Northstar every 10-15 minutes to get constant output and I'd read that the Britelyt only required pumping every few hours.

Any input is appreciated, thanks!


Okay, I've done yet more reading and everything I can seem to dig up about a Petromax is the fact that it's not a true multifuel due to design issues with positive fuel shut-off. I can't find anything comparing the more apples to apples of a Coleman vs. a Petromax on issues such as efficiency, ease of use, quality, serviceability, etc.

Limiting the discussion to efficiency (output vs. consumption), overall output (lumens, candlepower, etc, as well as color temp.), operating maintenance (how often it needs to be pumped up during extended operation), ease of maintenance (changing mantels, replacing parts, etc) and overall build quality, while operating on the INTENDED fuel, which would be a better lantern to own?

I've tenatively narrowed my choices to a Coleman NorthStar (2000A750) or a Britelyt 150.

I'm not beating a dead horse, my question is more centered on the merits of either lantern running on it's intended fuel source rather than digging up the multifuel debate of the Britelyt/Petromax. I fully understand the issue of the Britelyt and will not be running the lantern on anything other than K-1, Lamp Oil, or Citronella based lamp oils, even in an "emergency" situation; I usually have on hand several gallons of K-1 and have stocked up on lamp oil.

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Britelyt are a joke, they are not multi-fuel, burn anything other than Kero/Paraffin and youre asking for trouble.
Follow up questions regarding upgrade parts, are they worth it or merely bling
Secondly I have ordered a petromax which I await to be delivered, It does concern me my local camping place slated them for quality-hopefully the current batch won't be rubbish.

I find the fact that font protector (broken mantle) is an upgrade in the brochure-is this for ones not supplied or are you expected to pay extra for safety?

The two hole mantle, upgraded support and stainless nozzle are recommended-- since the previous posts has this improved the lamp or is it still best left as is with one hol;e ceramic nozzle and mantle?

The reason I ask is the lamp will get at least 30 consecutive days use and while care will be taken will be transported daily.
Okay it turned up today and while the finish is supurb,it was spoilt by the fact the washers on font are lead sheet and you wouldn't expect to use repair kit with better washers to fix it as new. Alsoo what I believe is swarf in tube that goes over jet.
Mine came via dealer from pelam as the box has their details and accessory brochure, my experience is best covered

My advice is an original German Army one as the current lanterns are best described as CRAP out the box.

Pelam are in denial and the Germans think that pelam claiming to be the manufacturer bear no responsibility for product quality control!
These clones are just HORRIBLE! I have to old original Aidas and they do a great job. I think a representative of the BriteLyt company is trolling in here, so be leery of anyone singing the BriteLyt praises.

The old German pieces are excellent. And a lot of the Middle Eastern stuff I've seen over the years is pretty good. But BriteLyt, just awful. This manufacturer has less of a love for building great lanterns. And more of a love for luring suckers to line his pockets with greenbacks.
I've been looking at the BriteLyt website for a long time. Their webpage seems to indicate it is the quality product of the genre. So, this is not the case? Is there another manufacturer of the Petromax style design that is top quality? The BriteLyt is expensive and if I was to invest in this product, needless to say, I want top quality.
I've been looking at the BriteLyt website for a long time. Their webpage seems to indicate it is the quality product of the genre. So, this is not the case? Is there another manufacturer of the Petromax style design that is top quality? The BriteLyt is expensive and if I was to invest in this product, needless to say, I want top quality.
If you want quality, buy an original that was made in Germany. Over time, the brand name changed from Petromax to Aida to Geniol and back to Petromax. The Chinese ones (including Brytelyt) are called Petromax but do not say Made in Germany. I picked up a mid 1960s Petromax on the Coleman Collectors forum for $60 a few weeks ago. It has some dents but it feels very high quality and it is my brightest lantern (even brighter than my 550 candlepower Northstar). Expect to pay $60 to $200 based on exterior condition but they should all run well with a few adjustments and a good cleaning.
I have a knock off petromax. It was trouble. Parts broke and I never bothered replacing them.

Honestly, and I'm also an gas light enthusiast, if you want a good solid lantern to use, it's all about a Coleman.
There is a reason they survived, they honestly are the best.
There are little things about them that I find make them safer and more reliable than the other designed. They are also a lot less complicated, easier to work on, easier to get parts, etc.

If you want a coleman that rivals the Petromax, try to find a Coleman Major 236. It's honestly the best lantern I've ever owned and it's the one of my 20some odd collection I used the most.

If you want the Kerosine equivalent, looks for an Empire 237. You'll need to pack burning alcohol to start it, but it run's bright, especially if you use the 500cp petromax mantle.

For both of these lanterns, I use a petromax reflector for the 500cp. Fit perfect and doubles it's capability.

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