Well I am happy to see this thread alive again. I have two Britelyte 150cp. One in shiny nickel, one now in dull brass.
After reading about the problems of fuel, ohh nooo I think I had forgot to empty one before putting away. The nickel lantern had fuel in it emptied rinsed refuel and relight, start up was cranky but both are running right now. When I frist got them I used'em a lot in the back yard.
One was a table light with kerosine, one citrenola oil they worked great. I ran one empty an the second one is still lite. For the all brass one, one thing I did was to have the underside of the reflector nickel plated. I also have the frosted glass chimney. It stands on a brass pedistal (upturned plant stand) on the back yard lexan top table. It casts very nice soft light for eating around.
I see there is a stainless steel nozzle which I need to get AND I forgot how fragile the mantles are. I broke two tonight.
I bought mine ~10 years ago.
=D~~ Kilted
After reading about the problems of fuel, ohh nooo I think I had forgot to empty one before putting away. The nickel lantern had fuel in it emptied rinsed refuel and relight, start up was cranky but both are running right now. When I frist got them I used'em a lot in the back yard.
One was a table light with kerosine, one citrenola oil they worked great. I ran one empty an the second one is still lite. For the all brass one, one thing I did was to have the underside of the reflector nickel plated. I also have the frosted glass chimney. It stands on a brass pedistal (upturned plant stand) on the back yard lexan top table. It casts very nice soft light for eating around.
I see there is a stainless steel nozzle which I need to get AND I forgot how fragile the mantles are. I broke two tonight.
I bought mine ~10 years ago.
=D~~ Kilted