

Newly Enlightened
May 21, 2008
Winchester Mass
Does anyone know if there will ever be another 50 watt Polarion? I have thought about getting one from time to time, but after seeing all the beamshots of the PH40 vs. PH50 I just don't think I could live with getting less lumens for the price the PH50 used to be sold for...:huh:
According the Ken Good, Polarion discontinued the PH50 due to possible thermal concerns. They arrived at a happy medium with the PH45 which should be available sometime in the future. I have yet to know if any examples have been made yet. It's really only in comparison that a person see's a difference between the PH40 & PH50. Seeing the PH40 by itself is impressive even though the output is less. There's always the 40W X1 to consider too.
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Have you heard any rumored timelines for prototypes and or releases of a PH45? How would the 40W X1 compare in terms of throw to the PH40/45?
I've heard no word about any official release date of the PH45. Logic would have told me that it would have been released as soon as the PH50s were sold out. I think there were 20-30 of them. Instead, it seems that Polarion either continued making PH40's or perhaps that's "new old stock" that's being sold by the Polarion dealers, but this is all speculative on my part.

Regarding performance, the X1 seems to be the equal of the Helios if the wattage is the same. From that line of thinking a 40W X1 should perform nearly identically to the PH40. The X1 is a smaller light and to me something smaller with the same performance is very cool.

Every single HID light has its own personality even among other examples of the same model. I think this has mainly to due with the ballast output setting but possibly a little bit with the particular bulb used too. In any case, the comparisons of X1s that I've seen to Helios models leaves me with the impression that the X1 is slightly underrated. Most CPFers 35W X1's basically match the performance of the PH40. I can think of three examples where this was the case. Either the luck of the draw has for the most part favored our members or the X1 is set to a pretty high 35W. That being said, I don't know how the 40W X1s perform in relation to their stated output. It could be that they're all "dead on" 40W.

Given the choice between a 40W X1 and a PH40, I'd probably have to lean toward the X1. If the PH45 ever shows up, it should have a very slight edge in performance but with slightly less run-time.
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hmm... you make the X1 more and more tempting :cool:. I just read the Polarion website and their was some contradicting info on the PH40 page. It lists it as a "45 Watt Powerhouse"
It lists both the PH40 and the X1 as "Water Resistant" does this mean that the X1 is also waterproof to 200 feet like the PH40 is? If it is that would be the deciding factor between a PH40 and a X1.:naughty:
You'd have to call the Polarion Store to know if they actually have the PH45. For some reason that I can't remember I don't think they actually do. I would hate to misquote anyone but I will say that I thought I remembered Ken Good state that they weren't being produced yet. I could be wrong. :thinking:

Regarding the waterproof qualities, non of them are certified or dive specific lights. The Helios had been tested down to 200 or 300 feet and the X1 was also tested although possibly not quite as deep. Perhaps it was 2/3s the depth. This probably sounds rather ambiguous because I'm going from info that I learned about the these lights two years ago. As you pointed out, now they just state water resistant instead of "depth tested to 300 feet" or something to that effect. CPF Moderation DM51 has had his PH40/50 down to 100-150 feet I believe and had no water intrusion. Afterward, Ken told him that he took a risk since the Polarion isn't a "dive" light. The point is, the Polarion is usually understated and over performing.

I wouldn't let the suggested depth figures (no longer listed) sway you either way on a light that isn't certified for underwater use to begin with. In other words, what's the practical difference if one model was depth tested at one depth and another model at slightly less?
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Thanks for the info! ;) The more I look at the page for the PH40 the more it looks like the "45 watt powerhouse" statement is an error, it's still listed as the PH40 and the lumen output is rated as 4,150 lumens. Both of these suggest its a typo.

A little tidbit to support that the X1 could be a little more powerful is that it's listed as having 4,200 lumens at the same supposed "40 Watts" as the PH40. This light just keeps on growing on me:grin2:. I really like the fact that it is smaller than the PH series lights yet retains the same output with a lower price.

Regarding the water resistance of the light, I doubt I would ever go diving with it, I just wanted to make sure that if I ever had the urge to go swimming with it that it wouldn't go poooof.
The PH50 used to be the hot ticket, but the X1 at 40W imo is the new hot rod. I've always loved small bright lights so I may be a bit bias there. Regarding the listed lumen outputs for the PH40 and X1 40W, Polarion probably meant to have those listed as the same output. 50 lumens is completely insignificant obviously and probably not even representative of actuality. In the end, you can't go wrong with either one. :)
Thanks for the link! I did a quick currency conversion and it came out to around 2700 dollars if my math was correct? Sadly thats too much for me. I also love bright lights in compact packages, they just seem more badass and it really adds to the wow factor when someone sees it! I will be buying the X1 in a few weeks thanks to Patriot's excellent advice!:party: My wallet hates you sir!
You absolutely will be blown away by the PH50. I sent you a PM :)

BTW, there was a heavy duty tailcap that was provided to some who purchased the PH50 that increased it robustness and its water resistance.
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Thanks for the link! I did a quick currency conversion and it came out to around 2700 dollars if my math was correct? Sadly thats too much for me. I also love bright lights in compact packages, they just seem more badass and it really adds to the wow factor when someone sees it! I will be buying the X1 in a few weeks thanks to Patriot's excellent advice!:party: My wallet hates you sir!
Your wallet may hate it, but you will love the light more than anything.:naughty:
Could a PH40 essentially be converted to a PH50 by upgrading to the PH50 ballast etc. or are those parts not available for retrofitting?
Could a PH40 essentially be converted to a PH50 by upgrading to the PH50 ballast etc. or are those parts not available for retrofitting?

If the parts could be acquired, yes it could upgraded. It even uses the same bulb. The problem is the parts are not readily available through any channel that I'm aware of. If my PH50 suddenly stopped working I suspect I'd have to get it repaired with available parts, which would mean 40W.
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Thanks Patriot,
I thought maybe the parts were available through Polarion direct. You would think they would have some on hand just in case, like you said, if your PH 50 went bad.
I've PM'd Ken about this. While it's possible to place a 50W ballast into a PF/H 40 body, Polarion of Korea isn't willing to do it.

As for when a PF/H 50 is in need for repairs, the Night Reaper uses the same 50W ballast/bulb so replacement parts shouldn't be a problem.:thumbsup:
As for when a PF/H 50 is in need for repairs, the Night Reaper uses the same 50W ballast/bulb so replacement parts shouldn't be a problem.:thumbsup:

That's good news! I didn't give that idea serious consideration because I thought it was a more sophisticated and expensive set-up. Guess not.
You are making assumptions that are not correct.

The PH50 and the Night Reaper do not use the same electronics.

Polarion has and will support anything it has made.
I'm not surprised to hear that Ken. I remember that during the development of the Night Reaper some of the things you had shared with us about it sounded much more sophisticated than the PH50. In any case, it's good to know that Polarion is able to support any of its models with regards to repair.
You are making assumptions that are not correct.

The PH50 and the Night Reaper do not use the same electronics.

Polarion has and will support anything it has made.

Sorry Ken, I completely mis-worded my response.:oops:

I recalled a post from a while back where it was mentioned Polarion would continue to support their products, but I got mixed up.

I haven't been getting much sleep lately, and as you can see it's been affecting my posts.:tired::party: