Photon Proton Pro 'Tango'ed


Flashlight Enthusiast
Nov 5, 2003
Photon Proton Pro 'N-celled'

A humble mod for a humble but unique light.

In its original condition..

Body was cut down and re-threaded. See where the logo ends.


The mod went OK, but I felt there was more to be done..

..and a body was machined from scratch.



A split ring will be added, and there might be more done on the bezel.

A good friend of mine here on CPF pointed out that an alakaline
n-cell may not be enough to run the circuit.

BTW, an n-cell is called a 'tan-5' or 'tan-go' battery over here,
so I'll call this mod a Photon Proton Pro Tango :)
Since there seems to be an overwhelming ammount of interest in this mod, :candle:
I've gone further and added the split ring!
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Pablo, :wave: to you too. I find your music interesting, but appreciate the food even more ;)

bray, your interest is encouraging as I have a few hundred of these being CNCed and will be
offering them for $50 each.

JK JK JK :eek:

Here are some 'runtime pics' tho.
ISO400, WB Daylight, 1/10 f5.6, on a fresh Toshiba Alakaline N cell.
Shots were done on 1 minute intervals. Numbers indicate minutes elapsed.


The light shut down completely at 20minutes 40 seconds.
After resting it for a few seconds, it would turn on at full brightness for appox 5 seconds
and dim down and die off in a few more.

Not as bad as expected for keychain use (considering they would be used for only a
few seconds at a time).
Please compare to runtme graphs done by member 'this_is_nascar'
The 'good friend of mine' happens to be you, koala, the first person I've encountered online and
had the pleasure of meeting personally.

I'd say 15 minutes on max :)
It's a nice to meet you too... :twothumbs

I'm surprised N-cell works, because at high, the Proton consumes 1.3A. Did you experience any dimming compared to running an AA battery?

I tried it with 2.8v. The LEDs will work but the circuit becomes very unstable(crazy). The brightness control works. The on-off refuse to work properly,the LED will not go off. The CREE and 3mm Red LED switch alternatively, sometimes the mode jump around. So CR2 does not work :(.

I'll post circuit details soon.
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