

Dec 2, 2006
I have a PHR-803T from a sled, but no driver or housing.
Is there a cheap green from KD or DX I could rip apart for the driver and housing to rebuild with the blue? With a module, driver, and battery housing (and free shipping) this is vastly cheaper than using a Aixiz housing, DIY driver (these don't look that well designed, frankly), and probably tearing apart an actual laser pointer or flashlight anyways as a battery housing.

I got a $10 KD SKU #00091 5mw green laser pen. I needed a green anyways, and now I'm kinda loathing to tear it up to make a blue unless I know it'll work. I'm sure the current would have to be much higher which the driver may or may not take. I noted that KD has a line of modules which seem to use the same driver board whether 5mw or 100mw, so it looks like pot adjustment or changing a shunt resistor will do it and the board's otherwise capable.

Wouldn't a flashlight driver make sense? Those have nice buck and boost converters which are more efficient and work off a more versatile range of input voltages. The pen-like form factor isn't available, though.
yea the dx true 5 works well but if you use a rkcstr driver youll need 2 10440 batts and a charger
search laser pointer forums for all the parts on this build i have done several they are great

dont use a flashlight driver it will m,ost likely kill the diode search Rkcstr or dr lava driver
I've been playing with random laser diodes as well, had a nice IR one that looked like it was putting out plenty of radiation w/ a crapper cell (2.6v li-ion that I hadn't gotten around to disposing of) but after a while it started getting dimmer and dimmer until no matter which dead cell I tried it just barely lit up. I knew it would happen, though. But yeah, don't use a flashlight driver.