Pictures of Inside the High Power NewWish


Dec 4, 2006
Inside of the Brons 70mW green weapon sight. The lasers is a NewWish high power unit. Divergence on this unit was <1mRad before I took it apart, and now its >2mRad... (I need to reassemble more carefully).






Best Wishes,
Note that the MCA is VERY VERY tiny, but longer than any other MCA I have.

The optics in this unit are glass, with coatings that seem to come off a little too easy :( (honestly my fault for touching them like an idiot)

The pump is 9mm.

The driver board gets hot very quickly, and the temperature of the driver board seems to be the only thing effecting laser power output. The temp of the diode/MCA/lens/etc stays quite cool to the touch while the little transistor in the corner wants to boil the flux on the board!
HI is that little black piece a IR filter?I have one from dealxtreme but it was marked 630-680nm on the mount?!It is about as 'bright' as my 34 mw from atlas did you get the 70mw figure? thank you
The piece of green glass mounted at a 45deg angle is the IR filter. It is a reflective type rather than absorbtion type like a leadlight.

I got the 70mW figure because that is what it was sold to me as (I realize this means essentially nothing), and because it is brighter than a laser I have that emmits a fairly stable 55-70mW.

It is able to light a black painted match from about 5ft, which tells me that it really is making quite a lot of green light, as IR light would be much too low of intensity to do any good for lighting things by 5ft.

As a gun sight, it's really a pretty neat product. It has screws for fine windage and elevation adjustments, and it was fairly easy to dial-in. Its managed to stay functional and on-target after about 500 rounds now.

As far as a weapon sight goes, it's doing everything I can ask of a weapon sight. Holds onto the gun, stays on target, shows the dot on the target VERY well, has 2 modes of turning it on, a touch pad switch and a twisty switch. Since I'm not using it for tactical purposes, just twisting it on and leaving it on works fine for me.

My only complaint is that the unit must weigh 2lbs, and though the case does appear to have enough o-rings and things to be water proof, I don't really see the need to have machined it from a solid block of aluminum and makeing it so heavy. It kinda throws off the ballance of the weapon, but I did get used to it after a while.

Best Wishes,
Nice shots. It is possible to get some macro shots of the driver board showing the chip markings? thanks!
if you don't have macro.. stick it into a flatbed scanner and crank the res up!
1) Do you see any provisions for shock mounting the assembly or making the MCA resistant to weapon recoil? Or just using the smallest MCA to reduce the inertia?

2) What caliber firearm have you been using it on?
This is how my old NewWish 20mW was set up. I don't know if it is because of the higher-power, or because they have updated their design, but the new 100mW NewWish lasers I just got are not like this. Among other things, there are no longer the feedback wires (the red and black ones), and there is no adjustable pot.