Pila GL2 or GL3 -- non-Pila Cree LED drop-in possible?


Flashlight Enthusiast
Dec 29, 2007
Hoboken, NJ
Has anyone here put a Cree LED drop-in into a Pila GL2 or GL3?

I can't find any specs on the Pila LED drop-in, but in any case it's almost $50. I'm wondering if a Cree or SSC drop-in from DealExtreme would work.

Here's what I've found so far:

The Pila GL-3 takes 3xCR123 --> 9V. These three are rated to a max of 9V, but the length is longer.

Any recommendations? Thanks!
Hi Xevious,

The Pila Cree LED is a 3W emitter, putting out 120 bulb lumens. Its output is regulated; when I use Pila 300P cells in my GL3 I get 2 hours of regulated output. Yes, at $37 + shipping it is close to $50, but the key word here is quality. Pila is a trusted brand that produces high quality products, as opposed to no-name brands with unknown track records.

If you don't own a GL2/GL3, you can buy either model with the Cree module included. This does make it a bit cheaper.:p

I'm not sure about the compatibility of these drop-ins, so you might want to email those guys before you actually buy them. Flavio at Bug Out Gear has a few drop-ins as well, you might want to check out his site too.:twothumbs

I'm running Wolf Eyes Modules in my old style PILA GL2 and GL3

No problems at all. They work well. The PILA batteries work fine.
I purchased the GL2 with the Cree module. The beam is so fantastic and white. The only issue is that when using a single 18650 cell the voltage is too low for the regulator to regulate (it will regulate when using two cr123's). Basically you are following the discharge curve of the cell which is not bad since it is a lithium ion. Brightness is reduced and diminishes over time. The output is very usable and bright for a long time and can be useful in this configuration if you are not looking for the full output.

I would like to replace the unit with one that is regulated with one 18650 cell. It would also be a bonus to get one that has a low, medium, and high mode.
Thanks for the suggestions dudemar and madecov. I do hear you about Pila quality... especially now that I have the GL-3 first hand. I bought it used with the Xenon 9V module in it and got a pretty good deal. If I were to buy the Pila LED module separately to upgrade it, I'd have outlaid a little more than if I had bought the LED version brand new in the first place. :( So...

I really like the GL-3 design, despite it being only single mode. I could experiment with one of the DX drop-ins, a reasonable chance for around $10. And if that didn't work, I could reuse it for a future drop-in upgrade on another light and stick with the PL-3 using a Xenon bulb (it's really quite nice as it is). Yeah, those DX drop-ins aren't as "proven" as ones from more reputable sources, but there has been a lot of CPF postings about using them with success. The one thing missing, of course, is reported longevity--we won't know that until more time goes by. However, these same emitters are used in a lot of lights sold on DX as well. It will be interesting to see how those fare over the long run too.

Madecov--which Wolfeyes modules are you running in your Pila lights?
In my GL2 I run the 3.7V-6V model (Q5)
In my GL3 I run the 3.7v-13v model (Q5)

They are really really nice and I'll never go back to incandescent in these lights.
In my GL2 I run the 3.7V-6V model (Q5)
In my GL3 I run the 3.7v-13v model (Q5)

They are really really nice and I'll never go back to incandescent in these lights.
Now you're talking. I just checked out the Wolfeyes D26 3.7-13V Cree Q5 LED ($58). 260 lumens! The Pila drop-in delivers only 120 lumens (~$40). I'd say that's a small price to pay for such a step-up. One thing nice about the GL-2, is that you can opt for one of the digital premium drop-ins, so you can get multi-modes (they're all 3.7-6V, so the GL-3 is out).

I'll have to bet those DX drop-ins won't deliver that kind of brightness.

Were these modules a no-brainer straight drop-in or did you have to do any modifications?
I have a new style GL2 as well as a new style GL3. I bought the Pila cree drop-in for my GL2 and really like it. Compared to my Surefire L5, rated with 100 lumens out the front (Surefire is known to be realistic with it´s lumens ratings) it is definitly brighter. Conclusion: The Pila rating of 120 lumens out the front for it´s cree drop in is realistic too.

I don´t know about these wolf-eyes drop ins. I´d guess they rate their drop ins with emitter lumens and not out the front. In that case those mentioned 260 lumens would be about 170 lumens out the front (about 65% of the emitter lumens). Otherwise it would have to be 400 emitter lumens to produce 260 lumens out the front and I seriously doubt that. Keep that in mind when comparing lumens to lumens.

Also keep in mind the old style Pilas madecov uses are different to the new styles! If you go with a Wolfeyes drop in you should make sure it fits your light.

I know you wan´t to go LED but if price is a concern and you are looking for more brightness you could still buy a LumensFactory EO-9 incan which is rated with 380 lumens, about 250 lumens out the front. It is $15.99 at lighthound http://www.lighthound.com/index.asp?PageAction=VIEWPROD&ProdID=2848 and Lumens Factory http://www.lumensfactory.com/cart.php?cat_id=2&sub_cat_id=3 That´s what I´m using in my GL3. The beam is not as nice as the one produced by the original bulb but it is brighter and has more throw.

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I have a new style GL2 as well as a new style GL3. I bought the Pila cree drop-in for my GL2 and really like it. Compared to my Surefire L5, rated with 100 lumens out the front (Surefire is known to be realistic with it´s lumens ratings) it is definitly brighter. Conclusion: The Pila rating of 120 lumens out the front for it´s cree drop in is realistic too.

I don´t know about these wolf-eyes drop ins. I´d guess they rate their drop ins with emitter lumens and not out the front. In that case those mentioned 260 lumens would be about 170 lumens out the front (about 65% of the emitter lumens). Otherwise it would have to be 400 emitter lumens to produce 260 lumens out the front and I seriously doubt that. Keep that in mind when comparing lumens to lumens.

Also keep in mind the old style Pilas madecov uses are different to the new styles! If you go with a Wolfeyes drop in you should make sure it fits your light. But thanks for all of your suggestions. :)

That's good to know, about the Pila LED output being realistic. Of course, there's always the bin-to-bin comparisons, e.g. P4 to Q5.

It would be great to see Pila and Wolfeyes module beam shots side-by-side. They are very closely priced...

I'm not so much looking for a super thrower in the Pila, just a more conservative use of batteries by going with LED and not sacrificing much output.
I forgot about the WE emitters! I would go for one of those.:D If you decide to get a DX LED and you don't like it/it flops, then it's not a huge loss. I wouldn't mind seeing comparison beamshots either!:popcorn::poke:

The Wolf -Eyes are a straight drop in with no modification.
I also own the newer model GL3 and 4 . I also just tried the 3.7v-13v module in my new style GL3 and if you add the outer contact spring it works fine and is bright as all get out.

I ordered mine from PTS and added the outer "surefire" type spring just to have and use in other lights if needed.

The Wolf Eyes modules are very nice and versatile
The original Xenon 9v module is rated at 200 lumens by Pila... so, you'd expect their LED drop-in to be a little dimmer (but last a lot longer).

How would you compare your Wolfeyes 3.7V-13V module to the original Pila module you had installed?

Also, is the older style Pila lights physically different from the new ones? This is what I see on their website and it's the same physical design as mine:
I never got the PILA module. I don't think they are driven as hard as the Wolf-Eyes or others.

I'm not all that concerned with longevity I would rather have lots of light.

I find the WE emitters to be a bit warmer than the BOG module I own.
I never got the PILA module. I don't think they are driven as hard as the Wolf-Eyes or others.
Sorry, I meant the Xenon 9V module. It's supposed to put out 200 lumens, but... next to my 220 lumens Regalight WT1, it looks more like 160 lumens. ;)

The old-style Pilas are identical to Wolf Eyes lights, and Pila released a design revision in early 2006. Also keep in mind that LED's have a higher color temperature, so they have a tendency of looking brighter than incans.

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I just got a Pila GL2 with Pila Cree. Newest body style. Very nice design, looks more like a designer light than just a plain flashlight. Absolutely gorgeus beam. It has the tactical switch. Light is nice, feels really good in the hand. Very solid built. It has 18.8 mm wide inside body. So protected 18650 fits perfectly. I have been using the newest, latest AW protected 18650. They are awesome with this light. Great output. It has been running for hours now. The switch is tactical one stage. Regular click. I say if you are looking for a 18650 body light get this Pila. The Sureifre P60L module fits perfectly in it. However the Pila Cree module does not fit in the 6P body or the G2 body. I love it. Great alternative to SF.

