Pirated? Different logos on two Jetbeam Jet I Pro v. 3.0


Newly Enlightened
Oct 18, 2010
(Posted this in the collectors forum first, but I guess I might get an answer more easily here. And hello by the way, Im totally new here :wave:)

I just got two Jetbeam Jet I Pro v. 3.0 with warm tint and OP reflector. One for me, and one as a gift for my brother. I have used mine (loving it!) and was about to wrap my brothers when I noticed our flashlights looks different.

Everything is the same (havent tried performance though) besides the print on the body:



You also might notice that the metal clip is slightly thicker on the top flashlight (camera doesnt show it very well). And the clip looks different than what the pictures from the manufacturer show.

I bought them from LEDfiretorches.co.uk. Im not really worried, but wants to be sure: could either one of them be pirated?

Figured you guys here might be able to help me!

(Oh, and btw. They had assembled one of them wrong, with a large o-ring in the tailcap instead of a small. Changed it to the spare, smaller o-ring. This was what made me look closer and realize the logo and clip was different)
(Posted this in the collectors forum first, but I guess I might get an answer more easily here. And hello by the way, Im totally new here :wave:)
:welcome: Endy.
This is probably the better subforum for your query. Good luck,
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I have one of those and mine looks like the first in your picture, smaller logo and the clip is bent up.

Thus I'm pretty sure none of your Jets is counterfeit, Jetbeam doesn't always act very seriously, they sold V3.0 with V2.0 written on the body and my guess is that one of your bodies is also simply an older version (of the body)...

Thanks Kestrel!

I made a mistake taking the pictures, they have changed places in the second one. So the topmost flashlight in picture 1 (lets call it Flashlight A) is the downmost most one in picture two. Flashlight A is the one I havent tried, the gift. Since yours is the same Henk_Lu I feel sure about giving it away! The downmost flashlight in picture 1 (lets call it Flashlight B) is mine and since I've used it and it feels really solid without any flaws (yet) I'm sure its the real deal.

It would still be interesting to identify why they differ. Anyone else got the same body as Flashlight B? The serial number for Flashlight A is lower than the one for Flashlight B. That could mean that Flashlight B might have been produced after Flashlight A? There's only a maximum of 10 numbers inbetween them.
Here's a picture from a dealer, looks like mine :


Another one :


This should be the "other" model :


If you look close, you see that it is also different, a third model... :whistle:

I guess they just love to change details quite often!
Yeah its seems odd. I'll try to contact Jetbeam as soon as I get the time.
Yeah its seems odd. I'll try to contact Jetbeam as soon as I get the time.

Why not contact the seller you bought it from? From experience with other lines they may just have an updated body,I think you will find the dealer in question would not be dealing in fakes,they are an established concern.
I bought two Jet 1 Pro v3s from a reputable online dealer a few months back within several weeks of each other. One, a gray anodized model with a neutral tint emitter, the other, an olive drab anodized model with a cool R2 emitter. The lettering differs slightly between the two, and they have very different clips. The clip on the gray model is thinner and coated a glossy black, the clip on the od green model is heavier (better, IMO) and a matte gray.) Not only that, but the owner's manuals have different instructions for how to operate the (SAME!) IBS Ui. :confused:

I think this is just the way JetBeam does stuff. Remember all the differnt versions and UI issues with the Jet III Pro ST?

JetBeam: Great lights, but quirky.
I Not only that, but the owner's manuals have different instructions for how to operate the (SAME!) IBS Ui. :confused:

I think this is just the way JetBeam does stuff. Remember all the differnt versions and UI issues with the Jet III Pro ST?

JetBeam: Great lights, but quirky.

LOL! Reminds me when I sat there with my first IBS light and the manual and not getting a clue how to set the brightness. I alwasy read ".. to enter special modes..." and though holy f***, I want no special modes, but set the normal brightness! :scowl:

After a little while I realized my "manual" missed a page and had twice the special modes instructions. I just went to Flavio's site, IIRC there's a good copy of teh OBS instructions and I bet he did put it there for a reason! :shakehead

I second that the lights are great though... :devil: