Please advise on power source

well i would guess i need 3.0 volt to be compatible with other things, and they are not cheap in most polaces. and on that website you told me they have 3.6 volt. thing is on the ebay one you get 12 batteries of 3.0 volt 800mAh, is that bad?
Why is it a bad deal ?


2 x Ultrafire CR123A Chargers

12 x Ultrafire CR123A rechargeable batteries

yes i think its a good deal, however i know as much about batteries than the averate battery user.. they mainly will be for Inova X5 , ultrafire 3W, Surefire G2, fenix P2d + P3D.

Im not in a hurry since im broke now. But im either gonna buy 50 golston cr123 from ebay, or get into the rechargable scene... however i need runtime with my lights, its no good me going rechargable if i gotto change batteries eery 2 mins.. see?
AW also makes protected RCR123 batteries on this site. you might want to check them out. The batteries should last about 30 min on high so unless you use your light on high a lot, you should be fine. But since the P1/2D-CE is current regulated, the 3.6v of a fullcharged 3v RCR123 will cause the circuit to go into direct drive(no low or medium) until the voltage comes to a managable level.
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