Please don't stone me, just a suggestion (has to do with Cree/Seoul)...


Dec 3, 2005
Dayton, Ohio
I'm really new to headlamps. I don't own one, never really seen one in person and only know of them from watching movies that involve cave diving. I'm interested though in them now and I would like one with a either a Cree/Seoul and saw many threads about this...


Can someone make a sticky thread about what headlamps use the Cree or Seoul or Rebel in them like they have in LED section?

Like I said, please don't stone me, just a suggestion. I think this would help a lot of people out over here.

Best of intentions,
I don't think there are that many, and they're not popping up very quickly. There's at least one FoxFury headlight, there's a Coleman or Rayovac one (I think), and there are several on DX. I think that's about it. Pretty unfortunate.

If you want a Cree or Seoul headlight, you're probably better off picking a Lux model you like and modding it.
I didn't forget about the Zebralight; I just didn't think it was more than vaporware. I just checked the Summary thread, though, and apparently, it's been announced that it'll actually ship soon! :) Cool.
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The coleman ones have been put on hold for a couple months.

Unfortunately unless you want a high end, specialized Foxfury, or a cheap-o rama DX there's nothing yet.
Myself I put a SSC into an old Black Diamond 1W headlamp. I'm not too hot with my solering skills but I managed to get it done. (now if only I could figure out where I put the optic for it.... I know I left it on the table. :banghead: )
That's a shame this market is ignored. That's ridiculous...

Thanks for the help though, hopefully soon some more will come out.

How about lanterns? And Cree/Seoul/Rebel lanterns come out? (large and small)

At the end of 2007 there should be news from a Fenix headlamp with Cree led.