Please help me cut through the noise

I am buying my first 18650 light a ZL fd. and plan to use both assuming protected ones i bought for an also new Fenix26 fit. Am glad I saw this thread because I would not have caught ZL's are a bit protected
So the consensus is to buy the battery that the manufacturer sells, despite it being the most expensive oprion with the least storage and power?

Consensus? No. Kinda dumb, IMO. But if you want to go that route, go for it. I suppose the upside is that you won't have to place two separate orders.
So the consensus is to buy the battery that the manufacturer sells, despite it being the most expensive oprion with the least storage and power?
On the side note, anyone think I should wait for some kind of sale like black Friday, haven't seen these go on sale on the 3 months I h been scoping them out...

I'm just wondering where you're finding high quality 18650 batteries for less than $6?

Here are the different places I look for quality 18650 batteries.

Hopefully you can find a cheaper battery at one of those sites.
You need the Sanyo 18650ga raw cell that has an orange wrapper and a price of $6. Not the protected version that has a light green wrapper and a price of $18. I don't worry with protected cells for single cell lights. Just make sure to buy genuine high quality cells from a reputable dealer like Zebralight. I have a ton of the GA sells and they have all been great with zero problems.