Please help me


Newly Enlightened
May 27, 2008
I am sorry if this is a dumb question but I am new to this thing.
I bought this light: and it says
Voltage input range (0.8V~3.2V)
Can I use these batteries with it?
If I am totally wrong the answer would obviously be no, as they are 3.6V but what would happen if I used them? I ask because I only have either these or normal AAAs which certainly would not be very bright with this light.
Thank you for any help!

No it has been discussed the new V4's do not accept 10440's.

If you want to use a light that accepts a 10440 look at the Fenix L0D Q4

Very bright on lithiums.

If you can, get Eneloops for your V4.

Etc.Etc while your enthusiasm to help is great, i think it would be advantageous to keep lurking around and absorb as much information as you can. Your case is much different from this case, while they are still in the same field they are very much apart.

The reason why 10440's are not accepted is becuase the driver inside of the light can not take that much voltage, meaning it is a boost driver. In some cases giving too many volts to a light will kill the driver but not the emitter. In your case it is the bulb itself that cannot take so many volts.
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Thanks a lot for your help. So I take it the bulb would be damaged sooner or later?
I tried both the 10440 and some Soshine 900mAh AAA I have and the difference is not that big, so I can live with using the 1.5V.
Even stranger- I tried these 2 batteries with my Ultrafire 602C SSC 42180-U and the difference was even smaller, almost no difference at all (took 2 photos with the same aperture and shutter speed for comparison). That was a real surprise for me if you think 1.5V vs. 3.6V (I hope I am not talking BS here ;-))
So I will stick with the 1.5V for the new light and again, many thanks for clearing that up.
I guess you're the first that i know of to put a 10440 into Kai's buckle light and it does work lol

If you want to see the huge difference in 10440s defiantly try the Fenix L0D Q4

The regular AAA's put out ~75 Lumens while the lithiums put out a "guesstimated" 170 emitter lumens.
You mean that it should have fried the light immediately?
For now I have spent enough on flashlights but maybe next time I'll go for the Fenix.
Whenever it says "not recommended" i dont think anyone knows whats goin happen

maybe you're walking a thin line, maybe you're fine, i'm not sure
I see. Well I am not going to try it again. Truth is, I tried it right away before checking, only later did I notice the recommended V range.

thank you jake25 ......

sory guys ..but because you help me in my problem i just tried to be helpfull ... i think i should learn much more info about these things:whistle: