Please suggest wall-charging light for using in garage


Flashlight Enthusiast
Jun 23, 2008
Tornado Alley, USA
Yes, I know, another light suggestion thread :ohgeez:. I'm embarrassed to say that since I spend so much time in the Custom B/S/T area, I'm a bit out of touch with what else is out there.

Reason for creating this thread is I'm seeking advice on what light to get my brother for hard use in the garage. He's very fond of my Inova T4 but just about made a mess in his pants when I told him how much they cost. I volunteered the semi-permanent use of that light for garage detail but he refused out of fear of getting it all scratched up. I said I didn't mind but he refused nonetheless. He's basically looking for a less-expensive, less-features version of the same light that he can slide across the garage floor or drop onto cement and not cry when it happens. He spends a lot of time looking under the hoods of cars, rolling around on a creeper on the garage floor, doing fabrication work, etc. I've given him a few lights of my own but he wants one he can abuse and not feel guilty. Let's say for the sake of discussion he's got a budget of $50 +/- shipped for the light with the following criteria:

- has a dock/cradle/mount/whatever that hangs on the wall and charges the light when not in use
- single mode (or two mode i suppose, but high/low only, no strobe/SOS/etc)
- no bigger than a 2C Mag; he's already got a MagCharger but says it's a "monster" :laughing:

I already looked at the Streamlight Strion LED and the Pelican 7060 but they're beyond what he'd like to spend. If there's anything else out there that would fit the criteria listed above I'd be very interested to hear your suggestions. Thanks for the tips guys. :grouphug: If he's gotta spend $80+ for a light with those qualities then so be it, that's just what he'll have to do. And suggestions about picking up a 18650-compatible host, a WF-139 or DSD charger, and some 18650 cells. He wants to stick it on the charger and forget about it until the next time he needs it; this one is all about low maintenance and convenience. Thanks again. :popcorn:

I've since just loaned him the T4 after all so no sense looking for a new light. Thanks for the feedback thus far from everyone.
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I picked up a used Stinger from ebay once, with AC cradle, for right about $50 shipped. Still have it and it still works great!

Personally I'd be looking for a Stinger LED (or Strion LED, as you already mentioned) for added durability, especially if it gets dropped a lot, though I know of several auto body shops in the area that keep Stingers that are years old all over their walls, so apparently they must hold up at least a little!

I'd start with a google products search:

Looks like you can pick them up for about $53, with another $10 or so for a charger.

I would tend to prefer NiCd over Lion chemistries, because NiCd is so frickin' durable. So my favorite choices for your friend would be Stinger LED followed by Stinger.

Alternatively, if he already likes the T4, I'd be willing to let mine go inexpensively or maybe even free (+shipping) if it's not worth anything any more. Don't normally sell my lights, but the T4s rapid charger causes all sorts of RF interference in trickle mode, which messes with my ham radio gear really badly, so I can't really use it any more. :(

Don't really know how much detail I'm allowed to give here before I have to "take it to the marketplace," as the mods have told so many to do, so I guess just PM me if you might be interested. Hopefully I haven't broken the rules already. :whistle:
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If your doing what I did with it then I would deff go for a Stinger. I used one back in my mechanic days and still have it with its AC and DC chargers and cords. Its not LED and it needs a new battery (I let the old one sit on the wall charging for like a month straight) But if your interested PM me... its yours... CHEAP... as in Cheap enough you can send it to Milky to turn it into an LED light for you ;)
You guys are missing the boat!!!

10X all the way!!!:rock:

Edit: Ooops! He said LED and no bigger than a 2C light. And less than 50 bucks...

I'd second a Stinger or a Strion. Both are over 50 bucks, but very useful.
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