Pocket Clip for Fenix P3D


Feb 12, 2003
Over a MILE high, CO
OK, I give up. :scowl: I've searched for over two hours now (here and thru google), and I can't find what I am looking for.

I seem to recall a thread awhile back (maybe as long as 2 years ago) where someone had a pocket clip for the Fenix P series lights that slipped over the back end of the body of the light, and was then held captive by the tailcap.

I have found myself wanting one of these, and I cannot seem to be able to find the thread I'm thinking of. I know that there is a slip-on pocket clip off of a River Rock light at Target that is supposed to work pretty well, but I think the other one I have in mind is a better solution.

Anyone??? :banghead:

I tried to stir some interest in Zebralight offering these, but my thread was shot down before many people could respond. :confused:

EngrPaul, do you have any detail on the clip? looks like a solution that I could use for my P2D.

I wouldn't mind having something like that fitting my JetBeam ProIII ST also. Just a small clip that actually works. And the price looks right too. If this works out, then I'll be happy to go the the group buy blackhole forum and sign up for the offering.
That looks like the pocket clip for a Zebralight headlamp? I think I have one of those lysing around adn I have been searching for a clip for the same light.
Well, that might be an option if we didn't have to buy the light too...

(I have a friend here at work who also has a P3D and is looking for a clip too)

Anyone remember the thread I'm talking about?

PS - The Zebralight website is completely unresponsive for me.
I noted that in my first reply. I'm looking for something a little more secure.

The clip I had in mind from the old thread (which I can't find no matter how hard I try) is nearly identical to THIS ONE.

If only that clip wasn't such a large diameter, it would be perfect. :poke: Anyone? :confused:
indeed..see it here cutdown to sit flush with the Rexlight butt!


To REITERATE: In general, I would prefer a clip that goes over the body threads and is captured by the tail cap when it is screwed on (like this one). That is what this thread was intended to be about. :poke: At one point, someone posted a clip a LOT like the LionCub one (the link above) for the P series Fenix lights.

I already know the river rock, gerber/cmg infinity ultra, and mini-mag clips will work, but they're not secure enough for my liking. :nana:

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