pointer diode

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Feb 21, 2005
ill usa
hey guys would this diode work in a pointer? good?bad?better?worse? Or would the ifixlasers diode be the way to go for a good upgrade?
Wow man... 40 posts a day... calm down... youll get your fix, let me brew up another batch...

Ok, now that I got that out of the way, I am going to need more information (preferably a REAL spec sheet) to be able to give you an adequate answer.

Ifixlasers does offer diodes, however his selling history is something you should search on first before making a decision. I cant remember his account name for the life of me, however I am sure someone will chime in eventually.

See ya.
are ifixlasers.com diodes superior to the standard in a leadlight 105? Sorry about all the posts im out of a job right now and this forum is where i keep my sanity...or is it my insanity??? /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/Christo_pull_hair.gif
From what I have gathered, they are the exact same diode. Cant tell for sure as no one has provided a spec sheet, however they look the same and have an almost EXACT response curve.

Difference being higher production costs and how the cryo pump felt that day when in operation.

Theres a lot of magic smoke that goes into these things.
deezdrama05 said:
hey guys would this diode work in a pointer? good?bad?better?worse? Or would the ifixlasers diode be the way to go for a good upgrade?

[/ QUOTE ]

What diode.....???? Specs???? (heh /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/wink.gifnot you spec /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif) I see no pics or anything. Dwight Sells on ebay as grammyguy.

For some info for all of you, i have sent probably no less than 25, Probably more, emails to the loser about some pointers i sent him to repair(apparently...... repaired, then lost in transit, then to be replaced and supplied tracking number, which has never been supplied) to test out him out waaaaay back in october-november. won't answer my emails now. goes offline on msn if i come on. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/mad.gif

1 pointer was a transevrese industries 532nm, he couldn't even get into the thing, and the other was a broken 635nm from arnold. Thats right, a simple red diode laser.

These words come to mind:
Poor communicator (two word sentences, can't string 2 sentences together)

I've kept my mouth shut for months, when he went offline when he discovered who i was last week, well that was the last damn straw. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/mad.gif

Any one ever wonder why a guy who claims "i fix lasers" doesn't post on a damn forum about lasers??????

Some CPF threads for reference-----> here andhere, Probably more out there.

From the Great kevin Nardels laser page:
[email protected] sells on ebay and on his personal dinky web site.. He makes claim to himself being a DPSS laser EXPERT which he is NOT, he is a sound engineer. He also makes claim to turning your pointer into a light saber, NOT!!! Not even close. Luke Skywalker would laugh!! He says "See the beam go 4 miles", now I dont know about you, I cant see that far, can you see a car at 4 miles? can you see 4 miles at all? By the time the beam is at 4 miles it is close to 50 foot in diameter!!! (the light will reach 4 miles but will not be thin by any means) His claim to other things such as changing resistors and realigning the crystals are to this point FOUND TO BE FALSE . I know that on most pointers the crystals are all cemented into place and you cant move them, just the holders and they are not adjustable. Most pointers these days do not even have adjustment screws on the OC mirror. Buyer Beware. PS: The reason I am looking into one of this guys pointers is because someone purchased it and is pissed to extremes at the finished product.
UPDATE 10-07-02 I have received one of the pointers modified by this guy, I will be examining it carefully to see what he did and how he did it. I am NOT impressed right from the get go, with a fresh set of batteries the pointer is bright and seconds later drops down to a much lower power indicating the diode is WAY OVER-DRIVEN. Testing the current draw, the pointer is pulling 545 mA!!! I need to find out what the factory specs are on the diode but I am sure that this thing is way over-driven and the diode will die a quick death.

[/ QUOTE ]

the pointer measures 27mW of IR and this tells me that the IR filter which was said to be changed is not worth a damn. The total measured output was 57mW, remember that 27 of that was IR so take that into consideration when purchasing his pointer. He did have a clean beam with a nice round spot, the beam was narrow and did travel well. The problem still remains, the pointer gets very hot and is overdriven.

[/ QUOTE ]

Well. Thats my damn Rant. I've sat here and watched so many people say "go to i fix lasers" etc etc and kept quite.

I'll state this again: Any one ever wonder why a guy who claims "i fix lasers" doesn't post on a damn forum about lasers??????


My apologies to the mods if this is out of line, or the quote is too long. I'll change it if need be.

Nice rant Dafiend - /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/rant.gif /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/rant.gif /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/rant.gif /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif

I agree, any dealings with him have always been very slow and sometimes he just disapears completely without warning only to reappear a few months later. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/mad.gif
Just a little something that has brewing for a few month's and i've bottled it up. Last week was the last damn straw. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/mad.gif

Let it be known:BUYER BEWARE!
I agree with you !
Dealing with this guy is very hard, i hope Paypal can refund the money from my last deal with him. I am sure this was the last deal with "I fix lazy..." /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/whoopin.gif
And he was the guy that claimed he was the designer of CNI's PGL-III. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/crackup.gif
Please feel free to start an adequate thread in Cheers and Jeers ...
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