Polishing E2D crenulated bezel


Newly Enlightened
Jul 8, 2007
North Carolina
Welp, my E2D has a "few" battle scars mainly around the strike bezel and I was thinking..why not polish it out to add some prettyness to it. I'm pretty sure im going to strip the HAIII with Greased lightning but am a little lost on the best way to hand or dremel polish it to a satin shine. I'm not looking for a chrome or nickel look, just a nice satin polish or bare aluminum look if you will. Also what are some steps to keep the newly polished bezel from flash rusting or tarnishing. Also any input on a better way to strip the coating off would be appreciated, I have searched and would like to keep it simple with walmart chemicals as I am new to the "modding" arena. Thanks in advance for the help:)
You've got it right on the stripping, I prefer 25% lye(strips within seconds) but to each his own....

As for a sating finish; the longer you let it soak in a lye-based cleaner the rougher the finish will get. So constantly monitoring it in the bath will probably get you the satin look you want, and then a little cleanup with mother's polish and a rag should finish things off
Satin finish, use a scotch brite pad after the anodize is removed. I use Drano kitchen sink clog remover - contains lye, faster than greased lightning,
Thanks for the info guys.

This is in the CPFMarketPlace, these are s/s but its the look I want for mine



Because as you can see, mine looks sorta ragged and I think the 2 tone look is killer XD

Shot with COOLPIX L6 at 2007-07-16
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