Poll: Strobe or no Strobe

Strobe: Yes or No

  • Cooler than a naked Eskimo

    Votes: 9 17.0%
  • Preferred, but not necessary

    Votes: 8 15.1%
  • Not preferred, but I can live with it

    Votes: 11 20.8%
  • They need to die a slow, painful death

    Votes: 25 47.2%

  • Total voters
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Flashlight Enthusiast
Jan 17, 2005
Please, no discussion. I don't want the thread closed. Let's just see what the percentages are for the members here.
I'd like to discuss where the buttons are for the poll?
NOW they show up!!!
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you need to be logged in to see the buttons - at least that was my problem

Strobe is generally a PITA, but can be useful. It is best if it is a "hidden" mode that is there when you need it, but doesn't get in the way if you don't.
No discussion, but the wordings of the poll suggest bias against emergency modes. Manufacturers recognize that emergency modes might annoy a few people, thus they hide such modes out of the way.
I agree, very biased wording. I've constructed many polls and surveys and the more descriptive the wording, the more bias creeps in.

In future, please follow accepted procedure of the professionals for wording in polls. Something like "what are your thoughts on strobes in flashlights".
5 = absolutely necessary
4 = often necessary
3 = neutral issue
2 = rarely necessary
1 = unnecessary

If you want to bring the issue of how the strobe is incorporated into the UI, that demands a different question(s).
I agree, very biased wording. I've constructed many polls and surveys and the more descriptive the wording, the more bias creeps in.

In future, please follow accepted procedure of the professionals for wording in polls. Something like "what are your thoughts on strobes in flashlights".
5 = absolutely necessary
4 = often necessary
3 = neutral issue
2 = rarely necessary
1 = unnecessary

If you want to bring the issue of how the strobe is incorporated into the UI, that demands a different question(s).

While I agree on the neutrality, wouldn't that only cover the "need slightly" and "need badly" while leaving the "absolutely necessary to NOT have it" out?
Strobe, SOS, beacon modes have their usefulness. Emergencies, auto accidents, finding someone in a crowd, keeping kids entertained, etc. Only need it in a handful of flashlights. Keep one in my car in my flashlight bag with the others. Mini-Mag with NiteIze red LED upgrade and their IQ switch. Have the Mini-Mag's head turned to off so no parasitic drain from the IQ switch.
Strobe is generally a PITA, but can be useful. It is best if it is a "hidden" mode that is there when you need it, but doesn't get in the way if you don't.

Voted die as most are not hidden :(
I appreciate the input, but I'm not doing a advertisement survey. I simply want to know where people fall in their attitude toward strobe features. While my choices may tend to evoke more emotional responses, I think it's more fun.
i like strobe , but SOS i could go either way ....what i do like is on my tk40 is a steady blink, not fast not slow but just like car turn signal speed
Not really possible to vote from that range of options, as it depends so much on how the UI is implemented.

Not a problem on the RA Clicky for example, because you can program it in or out as required, but a tremendous PITA on the Solarforce 5-mode dropins where you get strobed every time when switching from low to high.

For one of the best implementations, look no further than the sadly-never-updated Gladius.
Doesn't the market decide?

If people want them, they buy them and the number with that feature increases...

If people don't want them, they don't buy them, and the number with that feature decreases...

Manufacturers and sellers are usually very market oriented, in most cases.

Why do people curse the beacon/strobe-mode? instead of just buying the high-low mode and living happily ever after?
We've had too many of these threads, and they never settle the argument. There's still another thread running at the moment on this topic, and that won't settle anything either. Anyway, we don't need this one. It's closed.
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