I've got a new Pila charger and several flashlights that use 18650's, and for a long time now I've wanted to get a portable solar panel for camping and emergencies.
Something like this, for example: http://www.rvprotectionproducts.com/index.php?p=product&id=500&parent=253
The description seems to indicate it can easily power my charger, however, after reading numerous CPF threads I'm not so sure anymore. I've searched all over the forums for advice in fact, and it seems like the more I read the more unsure I am about the whole idea.
A flexible panel seemed ideal - but now I'm reading that they are inherently inefficient, lose what efficiency they do have very quickly, they're fragile, generally not UV resistant, don't work unless they are in direct sunlight, and they usually put out a lot less than they are rated for even under the best conditions. I'm getting the idea that it could take weeks to charge a couple of 18650's! The rigid panels are heavy and unwieldy, and it seems that for camping/hiking a bunch of extra batteries is my only reasonable option. Even the folding chargers are going to weigh too much or be too expensive.
It's worth noting that most of the threads I've found were older - has Solar finally caught up with our expectations or am I wasting my time? Is there any SIMPLE solution that doesn't involve reclaiming old panels, custom electronics, or a lot of math?
Just two 18650's... that's all I'm askin'!
Something like this, for example: http://www.rvprotectionproducts.com/index.php?p=product&id=500&parent=253
The description seems to indicate it can easily power my charger, however, after reading numerous CPF threads I'm not so sure anymore. I've searched all over the forums for advice in fact, and it seems like the more I read the more unsure I am about the whole idea.
A flexible panel seemed ideal - but now I'm reading that they are inherently inefficient, lose what efficiency they do have very quickly, they're fragile, generally not UV resistant, don't work unless they are in direct sunlight, and they usually put out a lot less than they are rated for even under the best conditions. I'm getting the idea that it could take weeks to charge a couple of 18650's! The rigid panels are heavy and unwieldy, and it seems that for camping/hiking a bunch of extra batteries is my only reasonable option. Even the folding chargers are going to weigh too much or be too expensive.
It's worth noting that most of the threads I've found were older - has Solar finally caught up with our expectations or am I wasting my time? Is there any SIMPLE solution that doesn't involve reclaiming old panels, custom electronics, or a lot of math?
Just two 18650's... that's all I'm askin'!