I think this has changed now with the european community as there is so much more going on so to speak. I mean, in Sweden when they joined the community, they could all of a sudden bring in much more alcohol and of course, they went crazy and now they had to tighten that down 'cause everyone got carried away so of course, they screwed themselves over again.
In the old days when I lived in Sweden, customs were a total pain and they DID check a lot of stuff. These days, I imagine it's a lot easier.
However, there are plenty of people here on the forum that I'm sure won't mind helping a fellow flashaholic out which should avoid problems.
Of course, then there is always the problem of insurance value vs declared value of the package. Kinda hard to insure it for 500 when you say it's worth 100
This whole thing is a damn science and not a good one and I for one, have always struggled with sending or receiving stuff to and from a different country.
I'm not even going to go into customs broker fees when you ship with UPS or something..
Juhha, as for being lucky, that's not an option for me because if I CAN get F'ed, I will! That's just the story of my life and for those who think I might be making this up, I'd be happy to show you otherwise so no, the luck option doesn't apply to me. I'm glad it does for you and I hope it does for others because dealing with customs and mail sucks.