Post your Pelican case setup!


Apr 6, 2007
Why not post photos of your setup, like the famous old thread on I'll be waiting :thumbsup:
It is not a Pelican but very similar. It is a Military night vision case. I bought five of them from Ebay for $89 shipped.


Deleted post....added new pic's further down the thread..
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did you all cut out the shape frokm the form yourself or what


I went to the local foam fabricator company and bought a few different thicknesses of foam. I first tried to use a hobby hot knife but that did not work well on the foam. I then used a exacto knife and that worked much better. I traced the outline of what I wanted to cut out with a sharpie and cut the shape out.
Sweet Qtr :thumbsup:How exactly can I find that case to buy it(ie. model number)?
Sweet Qtr :thumbsup:How exactly can I find that case to buy it(ie. model number)?

Type in "military surplus night vision case". They raised the price, they are now around $33 shipped each but I'm sure you could get a better price if you bought more than one. They will come with some military stickers on them. I used a adhesive remover and some alcohal and they cleaned up quite nicely.
Leisure Pro has excellent prices on Pelicans. They also sell Pic n Pluc foam that you can create custom inserts.
Ive got a case in the mail so ill hopefully have some pics up soon. Got the case with the 15% off at before they ended it. Great deal
I've already posted these in the SF Collection thread, but since this is a specific Pelican Case thread, here I go again...

It's the Pelican Hardback 1090 Laptop case with the Pick'N'Pluck foam. It's working pretty good for me since I have mostly smaller E series lights.



It's a pity Pelican cases aren't officially distributed in Italy and, the ones that sell them, usally do it for 3 times the original price :mad:
I bought my 3 small cases from abroad, but for bigger ones (I was thinking about getting a Pelican riflecase for my future BCM.460Steyr) the shipping rates would kill me :ohgeez:
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Here's my advice...take it for what its worth!

Check out Ebay for the cheapest Pelican case prices!

Now to get the correct size cut-outs for whatever cases you may purchase:

1) Do a search for Hot Wire Foam cutters. Any person with very basic skills, that would be me, can build these. They are extremely easy to build with parts from the hardware store / Radioshack.

2) Buy some heavy white construction paper, trace your light, gun, or whatever with a pencil. Remember that when you trace smaller than the object so that you get a tight fit when putting your light, gun, or whatever into the foam. Once traced clean up the lines so they are straight and perfect!

3) After the your objects are traced and cut out of the construction paper lay them out on the foam in what ever arrangement you deem fit. That way you will see exactly how everything will fit size wise before you even cut the foam. Once you have everything layed out tack the paper cut-outs to the foam with pins or tacks to keep them in place.

I have cut foam for so many Pelican cases I have lost count. It is a tedious process but it will look professional and others will ask you how you did it. I will try to post a link to that has more info.
Just got it, I'm excited

(Moderator note: Non-compliant sized pic removed IAW CPF image rules.)
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That looks nice. I like how your foam is very form-fitting to the individual lights. I take it that your foam was one solid piece that you manually cut out to fit your lights? Judging by your picture, your foam looks softer than the stuff I have. How did you make the nice clean cuts?
Thank you, but this was actually the pick n pluck foam that came with it. ya im happy with how it turned out.. It is a pelican 1470 i got from LAPG
I love the look of these lights in the pelican cases. Makes me want to go out and get some for my lights and handguns. There is a picture of a yellow pelican case with Surefire stickers on it, that case rocks.