Here's my advice...take it for what its worth!
Check out Ebay for the cheapest Pelican case prices!
Now to get the correct size cut-outs for whatever cases you may purchase:
1) Do a search for Hot Wire Foam cutters. Any person with very basic skills, that would be me, can build these. They are extremely easy to build with parts from the hardware store / Radioshack.
2) Buy some heavy white construction paper, trace your light, gun, or whatever with a pencil. Remember that when you trace smaller than the object so that you get a tight fit when putting your light, gun, or whatever into the foam. Once traced clean up the lines so they are straight and perfect!
3) After the your objects are traced and cut out of the construction paper lay them out on the foam in what ever arrangement you deem fit. That way you will see exactly how everything will fit size wise before you even cut the foam. Once you have everything layed out tack the paper cut-outs to the foam with pins or tacks to keep them in place.
I have cut foam for so many Pelican cases I have lost count. It is a tedious process but it will look professional and others will ask you how you did it. I will try to post a link to that has more info.