POWER: (batts, cables, inverters, chargers) Show your Setup.


May 21, 2003
West Virginia
I have a anual camping trip coming up in a few weeks, that I have been getting ready for.
As I was rounding up my power equipment, I figured I would snap off a couple photos.
Which then got me curious as to what the rest of you are using.

Here is the bulk of my main battery packs, calbles, and inverters.

Ever since I bought my Stenlight, I sorta adopted its connector as the main one I use in my various battery packs, cables, etc.
I have made all sorts of different cables and adaptors to fit just about everything I want to power.

This is a 2x18650 pocket power supply,
that can be set to several voltages, and has an assortment of connectors.
I also have the 1xAA Phone charger.

Here are, some, of my Nimh and Li-Ion cells, and chargers.

Variable Power Supply,

I also have a small 1000W gas powered generator that has proven very handy.

I am sure I have a ton of other various cables and do dads around here somewhere. :p

So, what are you guys packin' ?

jtice where did you get those grey storage cases?

As for me I just use a Maha 204F for NiMH batteries, a nano charger for lone R123s, and a DSD charger for 18650s.

Thats it!
you dont know how many times I get asked that. :p

I got them from Berrys Manufacturing.
they sell firearms reloading supplies.

The ones I use for AA cells are 500 S&W size.

They fit the AAs quite loose, and they can even come out of their slots if the box it flipped upsidedown.
I placed a piece of foam in the lid, and it solved it rather nicely.

The ones I use for Li-Ion cells (17650, 18650, Pilas, etc.)
Are 3" 12GA. Shotgun Shell size

They hold the cells a bit batter, and most size Li-Ion cells wont fall out of the slots,
though there is still rattle without foam.

I thought about doing a GB for people, but they are already so cheap, and easy to get, I didnt think it was really needed.

The ORANGE match stick tubes found in the camping section, hold Li-Ions great.
Careful, some of the green tubes are too short for 18650s, etc.

Hello John,

Wow, when I grow up I want to have as many set ups as you have... :)

Tell us about your pocket 2X18650 adjustable voltage power supply.

Hi Tom,

Sheesh, you have to be kidding me, I bet you have a hell of a setup yourself.

I will be the first to admit that some of it is overkill, but thats the norm for me ;)

The 2x18650 Portable Power Pack is really cool.
I am not sure who makes it really, I bought it off a CPF member months ago.
It has the letters STY on the front though.
Back reads...

Portable Power Station
Model: Un3682
Input V: DC8.4V 0.5A
Output V: DC 2.4-8.4V
Capacity: 3.7V 4000mAh (14.8Wh)

It has an led indicator on the front for what voltage setting its on, (3, 4.2, 5, 6, 7.4V) and its charge state.
Green: 70%+
Orange: 30-70%
Red: 30%

There is even a 5mm white led on the end to act as a flashlight :D

I dont know near enough about elec. as I would need to, but I have always wanted to build a tiny voltage controller, so I could regulate what voltage I want off all my batt packs, etc.


Where do you get your Anderson Power Pole connecters from?
I've seen your connecters a few place now and they llokg like they'd be great for my ham radio connection. So I need a good dealer.
Are you referring to the red and black ones, which are RC car ones, not sure what model,
or the white stenlight ones? Which I can get you the digikey part numbers for.

jtice said:
Are you referring to the red and black ones, which are RC car ones, not sure what model,
or the white stenlight ones? Which I can get you the digikey part numbers for.


The red and black ones. If they are the ones I think they are. You have to put the contacts in them and then there is a pin to hold the two plastic parts together. They are called Anderson power poles and come in different sizes from I think 14 amp up to 108 I think.
None the less. yes the red and black ones.
I think they are a bit different from what you are talking about.



With these, there is no locking pin, they simply press fit into the plastic parts.
There is also no male and female, they are the same.
See how there is a hump at the end of the metal contacts?
You take two of the finished connectors, and flip one upsidedown relative to the one you want to plug it into,
now those humps are apposing each other, and as you press them together, the humps will force over each other and lock in place.

Also, the plastic pieces can slide into grooves on each other and lock together side by side.

Sorry, I dont have the packaging to these and dont know what model # they are :(

Yes, those are the Anderson Power pole connectors, otherwise known as Sermos. They can be found at any R/C shop and tons of places online.
Yep; it's that half-circle cutout that, when two pieces are slid together, makes a hole; when those two pieces together are plugged into another pair, a little bit of wire between the two holes holds the setup together.

Note if you want to interoperate, find out how the connectors are put together for the people you want to operate with --- red-right,black-left,ridge-up won't pair with ~groove-up.

Google: Results .... about 1,090 for "Anderson Power pole connectors"
Lots of colors and sizes. I get mine from people who advertise in the back of the ham radio magazines.
Rogue_monkey said:
The red and black ones. If they are the ones I think they are. You have to put the contacts in them and then there is a pin to hold the two plastic parts together. They are called Anderson power poles and come in different sizes from I think 14 amp up to 108 I think.
None the less. yes the red and black ones.

I see them online at :http://www.powerwerx.com/

For heavy connections, I like the SB series conectors.
Ah, I guess that is what I have lol :p

I am not sure where I got them, I think it was an RC store that used to be in town, years ago, when my dad and I were into RC cars.

They still seem to be very popular though. They are versatile.

I've got the same Triton charger. Used mostly for electric planes.

Now I want to use it for charging Li's (123A's, 14500's, etc.), but I never know what sort of current to use, so I just charge them slowly. Any suggestions as to currents for different batteries? Where to find numbers?

Also, what do you use to connect loose batteries? I've been using leads with crimp-lugs and magnets. Not a great solution.

Thanks in advance,

Hi Gary,

Right below the Triton you will see a blue and grey clamp,
I ran bolts through each clamp head, and I attach gator clips from the Triton to it.

For charging current, you are pretty safe no matter what you do with the triton,
due to the fact that it doesnt let you charge a single cell very fast, even if you put it on say 3 amps, it wont do it.
Most Li-Ions cells can take a 1C charge rate,
so a 2000mAh cell can be charged at 2 amps.

I use the UltraFire Li-Ion charger for my single cells.
Seems to work well, and its cheap :)
You can get one at www.fenix-store.com

jtice said:
Hi Gary,

Right below the Triton you will see a blue and grey clamp,
I ran bolts through each clamp head, and I attach gator clips from the Triton to it.

For charging current, you are pretty safe no matter what you do with the triton,
So, he clamp holds them in a stack?
That's clever!

I've been charging at 0.1C. The Triton seems to top at 4.2V, where I would have been a bit more comfortable at 4.1. So i figured I'd be extra gentle on my batteries during the initial-charge phase. Probably doesn't help them any, but makes me thingk I'm compensating a little.


Hello Gary,

If you select Li-Ion charging, instead of Li-Po charging, the Triton will charge to 4.1 volts. I believe you select 3.6 volts instead of 3.7 volts to do this.

I'll second Silverfox's post. Just set the Triton to 3.6 and it tops off at 4.1.

Also those powerpoles clean loose wires up nicely. I had a pretty ugly mess before and it is now better although not as neat as jtice. I just installed some accessories and a remote starter in my truck and turned to the trusty powerpoles. They are good for everything. Powerwers sells a $11.00 crimper that works very well.

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