power outtage right now...boy am I prepared...


Flashlight Enthusiast
Dec 18, 2007
Terminal 4
Power just went out 20 minutes ago. Fortunately I have UPS power for my cable modem and laptop runs on battery, so I can still go online.

Wife broke out her E01, L1D, a couple weather ready Energizer lights we have laying around.

I have my E01, D10. L2D at the ready. Zebralight H50 on my head.

My wife is very glad I'm such a flashaholic. Since a couple power outtages now, she is very thankful for the lights I gave her and the lights I bought. There is never any question as to whether I have too many lights or not. :twothumbs
:rant:I am so sick of these threads!!! I live in an area where my electric company gets RIGHT on the job getting electricity back on on my block, if it even goes out. Last time it was out was BEFORE a huge storm:thinking: and was off for less than a minute. Next street over from mine, pitch f'n black all night:banghead:

What have I done to anger the flashlight gods? Mods please ban posts such as these, I think it's some kind of trolling er somethin'.

(hehe I kid)
Nice job with all your lights!:thumbsup: I don't get many power outages where I live and when they do happen the electric company fixes them within an hour or two.:shakehead
I think it would be fun to have an all-night power outage so I could really use my lights.
its a bit annoying. the only power outages we get in my city is either from high wind and that only turns the lights off for a split second or during summer when the power goes out for about 45 minutes and thats usually during the day because come night time the weather really starts to cool down here, even in summer.
Only time I can use my lights is to find things or the occasional walk about etc..
Thats very good to hear that you both were prepared. How long did the power stay out?

Power Going Out=A Flashaholics Dream
:rant:I am so sick of these threads!!! I live in an area where my electric company gets RIGHT on the job getting electricity back on on my block, if it even goes out. Last time it was out was BEFORE a huge storm:thinking: and was off for less than a minute. Next street over from mine, pitch f'n black all night:banghead:

What have I done to anger the flashlight gods? Mods please ban posts such as these, I think it's some kind of trolling er somethin'.

(hehe I kid)

You wanna hear something sad? I read another thread where a member is preparing for Gustav (be safe all!) and a tiny part of me was like..........lucky! I know that that is really different from a power outage but like you, my power provider is quite Johny-on-the-spot when it comes to our service. When I was young the power went out all the time but all I had was a mag solitaire. Now that I'm prepared...............................nothing

For all those getting ready for Gustav...............my thoughts are with ya!
Power hasn't gone out from my house since I first came here and both times were during the day.

Enjoy your blackout!
I havent had a power outtage for over 20years.
Ah come on people. It's easy. You go out back and flip that big Main Breaker when no one is looking. Then you sneak back in after a minute and say 'Oh no the power is out'. You then explain you just checked the breaker box and everything seemed okay. Later of course when you are done playing with all your flashlights you decide to go check again - this time you take a brighter flashlight and 'realize' the Main breaker was just partially tripped so you couldn't see that it had kicked off (you know how breakers do that don't you - they don't go all the way to the off position). Then a shrug and 'I wonder what tripped that?' should cover it.

I havent had a power outtage for over 20years.

Hmm, Such a sad set of circumstances.

For a while, my power went out at least once a week. This summer it's not been too bad but I'm sure it'll get back to normal once the weather returns.

Unlike some of you guys, my power company doesnt' get it. (It's really kinda sad. One of the most power rich areas in the world [in the heart of TVA's system] and they cant figure out the last mile. ) If the sky is gray it goes out, if it rains or more than an hour it goes out. It's like you guys dream about. I somewhat enjoy it but it gets annoying after a while.

LOL guys. :wave:

Power was out all night. We fell asleep with one E01 in the room, dimly lighting the room in case anyone had to go to the washroom, and one E01 in the bathroom, to light the way.

The E01 provided the perfect amount of lighting and I had no worries about runtime. They are truly a man's and wife's best friend during power outages. :devil:

Thats very good to hear that you both were prepared. How long did the power stay out?

Power Going Out=A Flashaholics Dream
Ah come on people. It's easy. You go out back and flip that big Main Breaker when no one is looking. Then you sneak back in after a minute and say 'Oh no the power is out'. You then explain you just checked the breaker box and everything seemed okay. Later of course when you are done playing with all your flashlights you decide to go check again - this time you take a brighter flashlight and 'realize' the Main breaker was just partially tripped so you couldn't see that it had kicked off (you know how breakers do that don't you - they don't go all the way to the off position). Then a shrug and 'I wonder what tripped that?' should cover it.


Your beat me to this Matrixshaman.:thumbsup:
a short power outage for less than 8 hours is fun, but when it is either rather hot or rather cold or muggy outside and you lose power you are not comfortable at all. Not having any internet or tv for 4 days isn't fun either. It is fun to play with your lights but gets old when you don't have much to do because everyone goes to another part of town where their friends have power to hang out leaving you all by yourself. If you want to lose power.... forget to pay the electric bill.... like my roommate did once that wasn't any fun at all.
Outages can be fun, but like Lynx_Arc said, they get old fast when it goes on for days. Enjoy the short blips and be thankful.

Plenty of hurricanes heading towards Florida this year and I've got plenty of lights to try out. :D
The only power outage experience in my 22 years of life was the Black Out of 2003. Wouldn't it be a great idea if CPF would send veteran flashaholics for a 1 week vacation in a 3rd world country that has daily blackouts??? We will have real world reviews of lights from them in Bangladesh. LOL