Powerhouse led lantern needed


Jul 29, 2009
I want a powerfull led lantern with a more traditional look like this for example. http://www.jascoproducts.com/products/pc/viewPrd.asp?idcategory=29&idproduct=645. But it must have the internals and functionality of lets say my TK40. I will never choose it over my TK40 but I do want that style of flashlight as well in my arsenel:grin2:

Take note, to me this is an ugly flashlight, it's just to show you what I have in mind.

Any suggestions?
I'm confused-

do you want a "flashlight" or "torch" which shoots the lumens out the front, or a *lantern*, which shoots the lumens out the sides?
I want one that shines out the light in front.
You see, usually you get them with krypton bulps, not powerfull enough, or with halogen bulps that only lasts 20 minutes.

I want a flashlight in such a body, but with the specs of a good flashlight like the TK40. I did look on e-bay but there is nothing so it might not exist. But I'll hold thumbs.
I'm just a tad confused too, but check this link out to see if this light meets your criteria. http://www.candlepowerforums.com/vb/showthread.php?t=226105 It has an LED emitter, it's bright, it throws and well check it out and see what you think.

Very close:twothumbs
But I'm thinking about something like this: http://www.energizer.com/_layouts/d...rk/hard_case_work/large/TUF4D1E-IND-LPENR.jpg
Now picture this flashlight, but with a 630 lumens led globe as used in a TK40. Or very simmular in function and light output.

My reason is simple. Sometimes the TK40 rolls away from me if I'm in a hurry and not placing it carefully next to me. I like the rubber exterior etc of the lanterns.

Hope I make sense now
I'm certainly not trying to chase you off, but have you thought about posting in the "Spotlights and HID Flashlights" section on CPF? I'm sure there are some very knowledgeable members there that can point you in the right direction. In the mean time maybe there are some members in the LED section that have more knowledge about spots than I do. Good luck in your search and I hope you find more than you were looking for. :wave:
I think that the led lantern is one of the most deserving platforms for a high output led there is.

I have tried the new Streamlight Firevulcan led. Its beam is like a 100 lumen led Maxabeam. Tightest spot on Any thrower I have used... Indluding a Spear and the new SL Stinger HP Led, but its spill is dim enough to really not make this light usable for me.

My favorite led lantern was the Brightstar Lighthawk LED. It is expensive, and under 150 lumens...but I think with a SST led...or even a P7 and 4x 18650's it could have been an incredible light.

I wish any quality company would produce a Polarion type body (and quality) with a SST 90 in it. That would be incredible.
The biggest problem with a plastic bodied lantern is that a very bright LED is going to generate a lot of heat and there's no way to get it outside. An incan lantern can be very bright because it dumps most of its heat through the lens in the form of infrared light.

I'm a lantern junkie and I have a lot of them. I don't know of one of the type you're looking for.

By the way, this type of light is called a beam lantern, as opposed to an area lantern.
I'm certainly not trying to chase you off, but have you thought about posting in the "Spotlights and HID Flashlights" section on CPF? I'm sure there are some very knowledgeable members there that can point you in the right direction. In the mean time maybe there are some members in the LED section that have more knowledge about spots than I do. Good luck in your search and I hope you find more than you were looking for. :wave:

You might be right. I just thought everyone reads in all the sections. Wont it be a double post? I don't want to make the mods or anyone else mad at me. Maybe the mods can move this to the section you've suggested.
I want one that shines out the light in front.
You see, usually you get them with krypton bulps, not powerfull enough, or with halogen bulps that only lasts 20 minutes.

I want a flashlight in such a body, but with the specs of a good flashlight like the TK40. I did look on e-bay but there is nothing so it might not exist. But I'll hold thumbs.

How much do you want to spend?
Check these out:



Yes! they are great. They are basically what I'm looking for. I like the idea of the less powerfull longer lasting led's in the handle a lot for small tasks in and around the house.

Now if I can just get one like this, but with a multi-mode led globe instead of the HID globe, then I will have to take it. Yes the HID will blow me away but it's got only one setting, and that's fullpower. For some situations that is too much. The reason I want a led globe is because you can choose its brightness, but I need at least 500 lumens from one at max power.

Thanks for all the assistance so far. I really appreciate it a lot.