Powering MiNewt USB with dynamo hub?


Newly Enlightened
Apr 21, 2010
Hello, all. New user of the board, new to electronics, and new to LEDs, so I apologize in advance for any stupid questions.

I did a cursory search of the forum, and didn't see anything covering this topic, so here goes.

I've got a Schmidt dynamo hub, that I've used in the past to drive a dLumotec and a homemade CREE XRE light (using Martin's Circuit 2). I would like to power a pair of lights mounted to the legs of the fork of my bike, as well as one light fixed along the bike's axis (I'll probably eventually add a momentary switch so I can flash the fixed-axis light as a signaling device, but that's another story...)

I bought a pair of MiNewt USB lamps, figuring that, since I liked their form factor, I'd just replace the guts with my own wiring. Then, it occurred to me that maybe I don't have to.

What would be the repercussions, if any, of driving a pair of stock MiNewt USB lights in series from the hub (after rectification, of course)? From what little I can tell, it appears that the SSC emitters used in the MiNewts are designed to run at 1 amp; the hub delivers a more-or-less constant 500 milliamps, so I assume I'd see less light output. Would there be any problems doing this? Anything I should plan on doing beyond the basic rectifier-and-smoothing-capacitor circuit?

Obviously, I don't really know what I'm doing, so constructive criticism and feedback is both solicited and appreciated.;)

Thanks in advance,

You don't need to do anything except rectify the ac from the hub. I've been running minewt usbs off of a shimano dynamo since they originally came out (~1.5 years). The plug on the lighthead is directly wired to the emitter via the star, no extra stuff in there :twothumbs. I bought an extra minewt extension cable and cut the end off that would have gone into the battery set it aside and used the female and the rest of the cable and put the rectifier stright on the shimano dyno plug then heat shrank the whole thing with some glued heat shrink. Looks factory. Works even better.