Practical Question:

mr. whippy

Newly Enlightened
Aug 14, 2009

Just found this subforum (from a link at another site...;)). I have a practical question.

How durable are the finishes on the Lummi lights? I like to have my small light on a keychain with a small multitool and an Atwood. Am I going to regret putting something like a Raw NS on there?

All finishes are very durable. My girlfriend has carried a Wee NS on her keyring for nearly two years now, and there are no marks that wouldn't polish out. I have a Wee SS on my keyring, and there isn't even a mark on it. Bear in mind that I carry a chrome-molybdenum steel locking wheelnut key on my keyring too.
Just don't get any tritium vials, they'll get cracked by whatever else you have on your keyring.

Alternately, keep it in your watch pocket, separate from everything else.
Yes, the tritium vials should only be ordered if you have a dedicated pocket. Potting them in epoxy provides some protection, but there is not sufficient depth of material to recess the trits fully.

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