Practise Posting, keeping it to myself


Flashlight Enthusiast
Aug 23, 2005
I like the fact that in Practice Posting, I can test and preview without actually posting, keeping my tests private, until I finally hone my skills and the post.

Some seem to abuse Practise Posting, don't know why.
I don't remember if I ever used the practice thing. When I post I use the preview to see what the post will look like.

Forums on some web sites don't show the attachments when previewing, and that makes me nervous.
My name is Paul, and I abused the Practice Posting forum 4 times in 5 minutes by replying to someone else's test. Then I quit cold turkey.

I had just crawed out of bed and was half asleep. That's my excuse and I'm sticking with it.
Perfectionist said:
?? People need practice to post ?? :lolsign:

YES, most definitely.

Just look at some of the really obvious spelling mistakes some put in, and leave in, their postings.

It's also a way of tidying up a post, before others get to see it.

Nothing worse than being quoted before you've had a chance to correct a simple error !

My point though was the abuse of the Practise posting, not the preview option.

(One recent abuser now banned)

And at least if you make a mistake and accidently post your test, you can erase it without it sitting there in the mainstream for everyone to see, after deletion.
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