Just got the Preon 2 Ti and it is a really nice light! But I am wondering... on high, is this thing supposed to be used for more than a few minutes? Without holding it properly, it gets quite hot to the touch in about 5 minutes. Even when holding it, it becomes uncomfortably warm to hold after 7 or 8 mins. Another thing I have found is that you have to hold it on the head to get the heatsinking, because the heat doesn't seem to distribute down the body very well. If you hold it about an inch back from the front bezel (about at the head/body junction), then it doesn't seem to get too warm - but 'ouch' if you move your finger up to the front of the head. So when running on high, it seems that you have to hold it right at the front of the head to get the proper body heatsinking - and when doing that it becomes quite uncomfortable after about 8 mins
Is it supposed to get this hot (since there is such a small heat dissipation space), or might I have a bad one? Mine is running on 2 AAA Eneloops.
Is it supposed to get this hot (since there is such a small heat dissipation space), or might I have a bad one? Mine is running on 2 AAA Eneloops.