Preon Whine


Newly Enlightened
Dec 8, 2007
Just received my preon today. Like others, I found the clicky switch to be a bit gritty in it's action and below the quality standards I had expected. While I can get used to it, what does bother me is the high pitched whine on low and medium settings. I saw from other posts I am not the only one who had this with their unit.

Does this bother anyone else? I am curious if others feel this is something 4 sevens should have worked out before production and shipping?
that would be the inductor whine, and *mostly* unavoidable.. though if they potted the inductor, there wouldn't have been that problem, I think..hmm..
I have a LD01 that you can hear across the room if you set it on a table or something hard. Its annoying no doubt, but it functions fine.
I guess that all depends on your definition of the word "functioning." Technically, if you've got a task to do, some people could use their hands to feel around after using their light for a brief, orienting flash and environment check. Most of us, however, would call that extremely difficult and annoying, I sure would. Given that, I personally cannot stand inductor whine and am extremely sensitive to it. The sound itself is similar in frequency to the teen cellphone ringers that most people over 40 have trouble hearing. I own a wireless radar detector that has helped me, several times, prove that I have either vastly superior hearing or an incredible sense of rhythm. Since I'm a musician, neither is out of the realm of possibility:

After turning on the detector, it pulses a red LED. The thing is, I hear an additional pulse in between pulses of the red LED. I haven't used it for awhile (it gave me headaches), but let's say the red LED pulsed at 40 beats per minute (BPM). I would hear a pulse that went 80 BPM. This gave me the opportunity to prove to people that I could hear it. I'd ask them to turn on the device, turn it away from me, even go to another room so that I could not see the LED (which gave the observer the tempo since they couldn't hear the sound I could). Then I'd walk in and conduct to the tempo that the pulse gave me. Now that I think about it, the pulse was more like 100-120 BPM. Either way, I even proved to other musicians that some people, even amongst musicians, have sharper hearing than others.

The biggest reason I've made this my crusade is because when I was a kid, I would constantly walk into offices that just had computer systems installed. I remember when the Mouse was introduced as an input device and computers didn't have hard drives! Anyway, my dad, and whatever other adults were around, thought I was just a whiny kid when I complained that the noise was hurting my ears. I hated the look they would get whenever I'd ask them "you don't hear it?" Now I know better.

Thanks for starting this post. I hope you don't think, OP, that I'm trying to hijack it, I just want readers to understand what may not be annoying for you may be extremely painful for others. I returned a Nitecore D10 which had unacceptable inductor whine. Though the two I got in exchange had violet and green tints, I figured that was better than the whine. I now know that I'm not going to take a chance on this light for this reason. Call me crazy if this isn't an issue to you, but whine kills me on lights.
Certainly inductor whine seems to be a function of the elements in your particular flashlight, and your personal sensitivity to it. I had (and lost, sigh) an HDS that had whine that really bothered me; sent it back to Henry and he fixed it up, no idea what he did -- change the inductor?
I just recieved my Preon II Ti-Black, and no inducer whine that I've noticed so far. However the light flickers slightly on the two lower levels with nimh batteries, does not flicker with alkies. Hmmm???? Ill have to further test this.......This annoys me already.

But no whine noticed yet, Im at work now so its noisy here. I listen more closely later.
I have a titanium Preon II serial #307 and I notice no detectable whine at all. But then, I'm 63 so YMMV.

The light looks very nice, slick exterior, good weight in the hand and the switch is working its way in. I'm hoping it will be a lot better soon. Perhaps the switch could have been built with a plastic-metal sliding interface rather than a metal-metal interface. It works though as advertised.

I carry mine in my shirt pocket as I'm sure it was planned; however, I still carry a Fenix L0D Q4 on my key chain. It's handy for mouth-carry when both hands are holding stuff.
bought 2 preon 1 ti's. #600something gifted to my brother, and #995 for me. His had the greenest tint of course:whistle: Both are dead quitet. I can hear my fenix tk20 and nitecore d10 across the room.
I have a very slight whine on medium on my red unit. It's barely audible in a quite room, almost have to stick the light in my ear to hear it. Inductor whine doesn't really bother me, I never notice it during use and it has no effect on my enjoyment of a product.

The real disappointment is the purple tint of the LED. It makes my cool tint E01 look like a warm white tint!
As well my Preon 1 and 2 has a whining at low and medium, I understand it's related to the PWM function.

Regards, Patric
I have a preon kit and bought a extra head. The head that came in the kit has a terrible whine on low and medium. The extra head is perfectly quiet. Anyone want a whinny head?
I have a preon kit and bought a extra head. The head that came in the kit has a terrible whine on low and medium. The extra head is perfectly quiet. Anyone want a whinny head?

I'll take your whinny head off your hands if you don't want it! Shoot me a PM.
Mine whines on medium only, and I have to hold it very close to my ear to hear it then. I'd never hear it in normal operations.
2 samples of preon1 - whine observed on low and medium

low has a quiter whine.

2 samples of preon2 - whine observed on low and medium

medium has a considerably louder whine
I can't hear any whine on any of the three modes on the Preon II. Maybe it's because I'm 66 or maybe I'm just lucky. It sure let's out a lot of light for two AAA batteries on hight though. Great large hot spot and smooth spill. Love the anodizing too.
Preon II Ti #367, no trace of a whine on any mode here :thumbsup:
