Problem with a Q5 LED Drop-in


Apr 27, 2007
London, UK
Hello again

A Kaidomain aspherical and CREE Q5 LED Drop-in package ( arrived in the mail today, and I have a slight problem. I have dropped the Q5 into an old 3D Mag host but I'm not getting any light out of it :candle:

I'm a bit of a N00b so I'm wondering if any of you knowledgeable people can tell me if I'm doing something wrong. Is this drop-in a straight drop-in or do I need some other component to make it work? Is it possible that the LED is DOA? Or am I missing something obvious? Am a bit disappointed that I can't figure it out, but hey :stupid:

I hope someone can shed some light

I purchased the same thing and it works fantastic. Before I installed the main heatsink, I installed the Q5 by itself and it lit right up. If your batteries are new, everything should be good. Try using a known good bulb to see if that lights up. You still may have a spare in the tailcap. I hope it works out for you. It is a great kit. You will just have to personalize it a little more. ;)


Thanks for your suggestions, I have tried stock bulbs and fresh batteries and it works fine, just not with the drop-in. Not sure why as I have tried stuffing the cavity to ensure a connection (I thought it might be too deep for the drop-in's spring to make contact), but no joy.

The host dates from the early/mid 1980s (and last used in the mid 1990s), maybe it is too old ??? Was not aware of this issue, I will see if I can borrow a more recent model from a friend. Thanks again for your input, maybe the LED is dead...
Before I installed the main heatsink, I installed the Q5 by itself and it lit right up.

May I ask how you installed the Q5 independently of the heatsink? Did you separate the two or am I missing something obvious? Like I said :stupid:

I have three of the them and they work fine. You can unscrew the center of the drop-in from the outer heat sink. When you unscrew the center you end up with a smaller unit that still has about 50% of the aluminum. You could unscrew it and play with it to see if it is making contact with the Mag socket. Should be able to run it this way for a few minutes without it getting too hot. BTW this drop-in works fine. I had a power outage last night and used it bounced off a wall to read a book by. Worked fine and after 30 mins of run time only slightly warm. You really want to get Kai's asperical lens for this set up. It throws like no other mod I have done. Also note that you do not need a reflector if you use the asperical lens. I prefer it without one!.

May I ask how you installed the Q5 independently of the heatsink? Did you separate the two or am I missing something obvious? Like I said :stupid:

You really want to get Kai's asperical lens for this set up. It throws like no other mod I have done.

Yes, I picked up the asperical in a package with the Q5. Let's just say it's a bit disappointing using the stock Mag incan instead of the drop-in :sigh:. Thanks for the tip with the two-part heatsink, mine seems a bit stubbon and I don't want to force it apart. My needlenose pliers are already tearing up the aluminium but seeing as I don't appear to have much to loose at this point maybe I'll persevere and see what happens.

EDIT: well, it took a hell of a lot of torque but I managed to fit the drop-in and make it work. I guess the 25-year-old host was all seized up but I cracked it open using brute force, breaking it somewhat in the process, but after fudging it back together I have to say I'm AMAZED at the throw this thing has!! Thanks again for the tip on the two-part heatsink, I can't believe this virtually redundant Mag has been resurrected and is now performing so well. An incredible bit of recycling. :thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup:
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Yes, I picked up the asperical in a package with the Q5. Let's just say it's a bit disappointing using the stock Mag incan instead of the drop-in :sigh:.

Glad you got it working. If you want to try an aspherical lens on an incandencent bulb you have to go with a focal length of 250mm-300mm or greater depending on your needs. Check out this link

LEDs especially the Cree Q5 need a lens with a focal length of 33-37mm. Rummor has it it works with the P7 but I am working on testing this out myself.

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