Product suggestions for SF, Pelican, SL, Pentagon
Surefire- I want a Nitrolon E2e. I know it can be done because my Brinkman Maxfire's battery tube is within 1mm of the E2e's diameter. Plastic is the wave of the future, just ask any pistol manufacturer. Also please make an E2C adapter available like Dspecks. Buy his design. The throw and overall output of the p60/61 lamp assemblies are easier to pocket carry with the smaller battery tube. Smaller, Brighter, Better.
Pelican- I want an M9 lithium incandescent flashlight. Put 3 123 batteries behind that great reflector. That would peel paint! Throw, Throw, Throw!
Streamlight- I want a TL-2 bezel on the TL-3 flashlight. The smaller size would make it much more pocket carryable. It would compete with the SF 9P.
Pentagon- When are you going to bring out your XP2 and X4?The XP2 seems to be the same size as the SF E2e. I assume it will be less in price. SF MSRP these days is no bargain. The X4 looks like it will be half the price of the SF M4 but with similar performance. Come on guys, competition is good for me, the consumer. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif
My credit card awaits your decisions. The customer is always right. Thanks for reading the rantings of a chronic flashaholic.
Surefire- I want a Nitrolon E2e. I know it can be done because my Brinkman Maxfire's battery tube is within 1mm of the E2e's diameter. Plastic is the wave of the future, just ask any pistol manufacturer. Also please make an E2C adapter available like Dspecks. Buy his design. The throw and overall output of the p60/61 lamp assemblies are easier to pocket carry with the smaller battery tube. Smaller, Brighter, Better.
Pelican- I want an M9 lithium incandescent flashlight. Put 3 123 batteries behind that great reflector. That would peel paint! Throw, Throw, Throw!
Streamlight- I want a TL-2 bezel on the TL-3 flashlight. The smaller size would make it much more pocket carryable. It would compete with the SF 9P.
Pentagon- When are you going to bring out your XP2 and X4?The XP2 seems to be the same size as the SF E2e. I assume it will be less in price. SF MSRP these days is no bargain. The X4 looks like it will be half the price of the SF M4 but with similar performance. Come on guys, competition is good for me, the consumer. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif
My credit card awaits your decisions. The customer is always right. Thanks for reading the rantings of a chronic flashaholic.